List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14767 Overview of agri-food industries in ASEAN: Basic information on the food value chain agricultural development; agriculture; food value chain; agri-food products; ASEAN; Malaysia; Indonesia; Thailand; Philippines; Vietnam; Lao PDR; Cambodia; Myanmar weblinks eria research project fy2018 no.12

11287 Overview of biosafety regulatory frameworks of other countries. biotechnology biosafety risk assessment transgenic crops genetically modified organisms rDNA technology food safety biosafety

Tababa, Sonny P.


11068 Overview of biotechnology (global and Philippine status on GMOs). biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs DNA technology genetic engineering policy

Padolina, William G.


4120 Overview of livestock sector problems in Vietnam. pig production, marketing, slaughtering,

Sovjak, R.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

15369 Overview of palpable plights: Lived experiences on internationalization of state university students toward developing a mobility framework internationalization; student mobility; home-based; offshore; equality; equity

Crisostomo, M.M.

serials journal of southeast asian education

14737 Overview of the agricultural modernization in Southeast Asia agricultural modernization; agricultural transformation; rural transformation; Southeast Asia

Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Joshi, Pramod Kumar

weblinks ifpri discussion paper 01819

13105 Overview of the payment for the ecosystem services implementation in Indonesia ecosystem services; environmental protection and management; coastal and small islands management; non-tax revenue; government regulations; forest production; forest management; utilization planning; forest area usage; ecotourism; wildlife conservation; national park conservation; national forest conservation; watershed management; payment for ecosystem services

Amalia, Mia; Syahril Shanty

book eepsea research reports 2016-srg2

16303 Overview of the world broiler industry: Implications for the Philippines broiler industry; market; production; exporters; importers; consumption

Chang, Hui-Shung

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

1146 Overview of upland farming issues agricultural development upland development technology upland farming

Sajise, Percy E.


3381 Oyster and mussel farming in Western Visayas, Philippines

Samonte, G.PB.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly