ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14767 | Overview of agri-food industries in ASEAN: Basic information on the food value chain | agricultural development; agriculture; food value chain; agri-food products; ASEAN; Malaysia; Indonesia; Thailand; Philippines; Vietnam; Lao PDR; Cambodia; Myanmar | weblinks | eria research project fy2018 no.12 |
11287 | Overview of biosafety regulatory frameworks of other countries. | biotechnology biosafety risk assessment transgenic crops genetically modified organisms rDNA technology food safety biosafety | Tababa, Sonny P. |
biotech |
11068 | Overview of biotechnology (global and Philippine status on GMOs). | biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs DNA technology genetic engineering policy | Padolina, William G. |
biotech |
4120 | Overview of livestock sector problems in Vietnam. | pig production, marketing, slaughtering, | Sovjak, R. |
serials | agricultura tropica et subtropica |
15369 | Overview of palpable plights: Lived experiences on internationalization of state university students toward developing a mobility framework | internationalization; student mobility; home-based; offshore; equality; equity | Crisostomo, M.M. |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
14737 | Overview of the agricultural modernization in Southeast Asia | agricultural modernization; agricultural transformation; rural transformation; Southeast Asia | Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Joshi, Pramod Kumar |
weblinks | ifpri discussion paper 01819 |
13105 | Overview of the payment for the ecosystem services implementation in Indonesia | ecosystem services; environmental protection and management; coastal and small islands management; non-tax revenue; government regulations; forest production; forest management; utilization planning; forest area usage; ecotourism; wildlife conservation; national park conservation; national forest conservation; watershed management; payment for ecosystem services | Amalia, Mia; Syahril Shanty |
book | eepsea research reports 2016-srg2 |
16303 | Overview of the world broiler industry: Implications for the Philippines | broiler industry; market; production; exporters; importers; consumption | Chang, Hui-Shung |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
1146 | Overview of upland farming issues | agricultural development upland development technology upland farming | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
3381 | Oyster and mussel farming in Western Visayas, Philippines | Samonte, G.PB. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |