List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13437 Oton farmers start growing bulb onions with DA support onion production; DA

Subang, Myleen

serials agriculture magazine

10278 Our choice: A plan to solve the climate crisis. global warming greenhouse effect environmental policy environmental protection human ecology energy carbon dioxide turbines electricity solar power geothermal energy fuels biofuels nuclear power forests population

Gore, Al


205 Our common bowl: global food interdependence environmental degradation food production food supply food shortage agricultural productivity trade liberalization food crops environmental degradation book

122 Our common future sustainable development food security ecosystems sustainability energy population

World Commission on Environment and Development


7165 Our fisheries and climate change. fisheries industry climate change global warming losses sea surface temperature El Nino

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

9692 Our Framework : Policies and Strategies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). poverty economic and social development economic growth good governance microfinance development strategy policy advice technical assistance cd

1925 Our stake in the future: A primer on the EIS system and DENR Administrative Order No. 96-37. environmental impact assessment environmental risk assessment environmentally critical area rules and regulations environmental monitoring fund Philippines book

14694 Out-migration in agriculture: An analysis of the loss of labor in the agriculture sector in the Philippines agricultural employment; labor shortage; non-agricultural jobs; out-migration; Philippines weblinks r and d policy note

1132 Out-of-school environmental education in the ASEAN Region: problems, strategies and prospects Education Environmental education

Sajise, Percy E.


4725 Out-of-school youths grow off-season watermelons. watermelons, plant production, field preparation, fertilizer application, pruning, weeding, pest control, income,

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture