ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15888 | Participatory forage evaluation for integration in mixed crop-livestock-tree systems in upland intensive and highland extensive systems of Lao PDR: Preliminary assessment and results | livestock production; farmer participation; grasses; legumes; pasture improvement | Owusu Danquah, Eric; Souksamlane, Khamphoumee; Atieno, Mary; Peters, Michael |
weblinks |
14123 | Participatory identification of climate-smart agriculture priorities | climate-smart agriculture; cost-benefit analysis; participatory approaches; agricultural practices; climate-smart village; My Loi; Vietnam | Duong Minh Tuan; Simelton Elisabeth; Le Van Hai |
book | working paper no. 175 |
12577 | Participatory land allocation in Huai Dau Watershed, Nong Phok District, Roi Et Province, Thailand as a forestry extension management tool. | participatory land allocation land use analysis human behavior assessment of change forestry extension management tool poverty reduction land allocation geographic information system sensitivity analysis participatory landscape lifescape appraisal | Pasuta Sunthornhao |
theses |
12579 | Participatory land use allocation in Besitang Watershed, Langkat, North Sumatra, Indonesia. | participatory land use allocation watershed land use geographic information system analytical hierarchy process land suitability classification land capability classification soil erosion Indonesia | Rahmawaty |
theses |
14026 | Participatory land use planning for climate-smart villages: Guidelines and references | land use planning; climate change adaptation | Chu Thai Hoanh; Bui Tan Yen; Nguyen Hieu Trung |
book |
11837 | Participatory management in an integrated rural development project: the case of effective | development management hill-forest project management Vietnam | Mai Thanh Cuc |
theses |
3382 | Participatory management of a reservoir fishery in Northeastern Brazil | Fisheries, | Christemsen, M.S. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
2373 | Participatory methods : Background information on terminology, approaches and common principles for agricultural rural development in the South Pacific. | participatory approaches participatory rural appraisal rapid rural appraisal on-farm research farming systems development community development | Kronen, M. |
book | prap leaflet no. 11 |
10339 | Participatory methods in community-based coastal resource management. | community-based coastal resource management coastal communities community organizing SWOT analysis stakeholder analysis focus group discussion brainstorming surveys interviews spatial methods assessment and monitoring conservation marine sanctuaries mangrove reforestation education extension advocacy legal analysis institutional analysis documentation indigenous knowledge gender analysis process documentation livelihood projects | purch |
2180 | Participatory natural resource management for sustainable agriculture. | environment sustainable development community resources analysis participatory landscape lifescape appraisal community organizing monitoring and evaluation geographic information systems policies communication | Espaldon, Ma. Victoria O.; Baltazar, Ma. Rowena M. (eds.) |
book |