List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2366 Participatory policy development for the lowland rainfed rice-based farming systems towards sustainable agriculture and rural development : A case study of Nueva Ecija, Philippines. rainfed lowland rice based farming system food security poverty reduction

Quizon, Antonio B.; Vargas, Danilo S.; Bravo, Marideth; Garcia, Arnulfo G.; Monsalud, Florentino C.; Manzanilla, Digna O.; Del Rosario, Beatriz


2229 Participatory processes for integrated watershed management. integrated watershed management participatory approaches gender land titling farmers' participation

Sharma, Prem N.

book pwmta-farm field document no.7

9693 Participatory Research and Development for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management : A Sourcebook. participatory research and development agriculture natural resource management rural livelihood capacity development networking governance cd

2214 Participatory research and development for sustainable agriculture and natural resource management: A sourcebook (Vols. 1-3). participatory research and development natural resources management social and gender equity indigenous knowledge property rights development communication sustainable rural development farmer innovation participatory technology development plant breeding poverty analysis market chain community-based natural resource management book

3383 Participatory research in giant clam farming

Govan, H.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

10092 Participatory rural appraisal guidebook. participation methods participatory planning field work community validation report writing tools advantages limitations

Calub, Blesilda M.


1437 Participatory rural appraisal of a coastal community: The process in Natipuan, Batangas, Philippines. needs assessment fishing villages rural development Natipuan Philippines

Lamug, C.B.; Catalan, Z.B.

book ermp reports no.20

3012 Participatory tools for adaptation planning. climate change adaptation climatic hazard book

12259 Partisipasi wanita di kalangan rumahtangga tani peserta pir lokal teh di kabupaten batang propinsi jawa tengah agricultural economics Women's participation farmers

Siti Hamidah


6799 Partitioning of additive main effects and multiplicative interaction from sugarcane varieties on multi-environmental trial. sugarcane stability GxE interaction AMMI biplot

Prasert Chatwachirawong; Peerasak Srinives

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science