List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
185 People based sustainable agricultural development for a global world tomorrow Sustainability food security agricultural development trade policy sustainable development land use education community participation micro enterprise video biotechnology livestock forage conservation book

13911 People simply love the native lechon native pig; lechon; price

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

12518 People's extent of empowerment in two communes under the decentralized Seila Program in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. people empowerment decentralization participation Cambodia

Pheak Sothea


7034 People's organization earns well in vegetable production. high-value vegetable growers vegetable growing profit income

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine

14010 People's participation and benefits from the management of the Dongmeuang Conservation Area in Champhone District, Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR people's participation; sustainable forest management; benefits; monitoring and evaluation

Bounyore Koulavong


11897 People's participation in the management of integrated rural development: development management governance people participation integrated rural development UNDP SEILA Programme Cambodia

Kim Vothana


12695 People's Perception on the readiness and capacity building needs for municipal autonomy in Bobonaro, Timor-Leste. Bobonaro, Timor-Leste municipal autonomy

Candido, Afonso A. J.


11539 People's response to local government-initiated community development projects in Eastern Samar. community development Eastern Samar Philippines

Lombrio, Reynaldo A.


28 People: an international choice: the multilateral approach to population. inheritance United Nations staff recruitment promotional phase population family planning fund approach

Salas, Rafael M.


8178 PEOR - Engaging students in demonstrations. demonstration, engagement, constructivism, cognition, affect, field, force,

Bonello, Charles

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia