ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12807 | Performance evaluation of the Tha Ngon Irrigation scheme, Xaythany district, Vientiane capital, Lao People's Democratic Republic. | crop coefficient irrigation system crop evapotranspiration food security rice production water supply performance indicators water use performance agricultural productivity | Veokham Vilaysane |
theses |
10617 | Performance feedback. | feedback job performance | Garber, Peter R. |
purch | hr skill series |
10254 | Performance management: Application of data envelopment analysis in the Philippine setting. | data development analysis performance management productivity growth state universities colleges special education program electric cooperatives telecommunications gasoline oil stations banking insurance tourism health manufacturing public corporations multipurpose cooperatives coffee production food processing soap manufacturing hospitals pharmaceuticals beach resorts corporations | Cabanda, Emilyn C. (ed.) |
purch |
5003 | Performance of black gram with VAM inoculation and phosphate fertilization | black gram, fungi, phosphorus, superphosphate, vesicular arbuscular, | Harbans Kaur Kehri |
serials | philippine journal of science |
11658 | Performance of crossbred dairy replacement heifers fed with complete rations of varying levels of energy and protein. | dairy heifers energy protein corn silage rations Vietnam | Le Trong Trung |
theses |
11989 | Performance of dairy cows fed four different roughages and two levels of concentrate | animal science dairy cows roughages animal feeding | Abner Kalimuda Simandjuntak |
theses |
11563 | Performance of dairy cows fed trace minerals in three roughage feeding schemes. | dairy cows, feeding, Thailand, | Anucha Siri |
theses |
14040 | Performance of F5 generation and environmental genotype-interaction (GxE) of F6 generation lines of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) | correlation analysis; path analysis; variance analysis; genotype performance; peanut; Arachis hypogaea | Jose da Costa Ronal Freygen |
theses |
12460 | Performance of imported dairy cattle dispersed in selected areas of Cebu, Misamis Oriental and Davao Del Sur. | dairy cattle dairy production nutrient flow simulation geographical information systems dairying dairy cooperative dairy industry computer application Philippines | Pepito, Julnar E. |
theses |
7934 | Performance of organic goat milk production in grazing system in Northern Germany. | organic farming, dairy goats, milk performance, grazing system, | Rahmann, Gerold |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |