List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
856 Perspectives on sustainable farming systems in upland areas sustainability sloping lands mechanization conservation practices resource management steep lands technologies citrus fruits book

9951 Persuasive proposals and presentations: 24 lessons for writing winners : The employee handbook for enhancing corporate performance. proposals presentations sales strategy

Pierce, Heather


13959 Pest and disease busters from the wild pest; disease; indigenous plants; botanical pesticides; plant pesticides; crops

Alberto, Ronaldo T.

serials agriculture magazine

9555 Pest and Non-Pest Rodents in the Agro-Ecosystems of Luzon, Philippines. rat mice rodent species agro-ecosystem taxonomy rat pest species rice pests non-pest rodents

R.C. Joshi


900 Pest control in Asia and the Pacific : Report of the APO seminar, Tokyo, Japan, 24 September - 4 October, 1991 safety evaluation system pest control pesticides chemicals integrated pest management neem book

1388 Pest control safe for bees : A manual and directory for the tropics and subtropics. bee pollinators pesticides honeybees

Adey, M.; Walker, P.; Walker, P.T.


1852 Pest management and food production: Looking to the future. crop losses pests of plants pesticides environmental impact biological control biotechnology plant protection biopesticides genetic engineering integrated pest management

Yudelman, M.; Ratta, A.; Nygaard, D.

book food, agriculture, and the environment discussion paper 25

3832 Pest management in coconut-based farming systems : I. Evaluation of rat problems in intercropped coconut and their control. I. Evaluation of rat problems in intercropped coconut and their control. Coconut, rat infestation, Rattus rattus mindanensis, rat control, bait, coumatetralyl, nut fall,

Gallego, V.C.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

3588 Pest management systems for eggplant arthropods: a plan to control pest resurgence resulting from the destruction of natural enemies Pests, Eggplant, Arthropods, Natural enemies,

Hisashi Nemoto

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

12643 Pest management systems of smallholder farmers in mature cacao areas in North Sumatra, Indonesia. pest management cacao weed management pesticide pest control plant diseases

Sahat Simarmata
