ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15472 | Perceptions on the Challenges of Banana Cultivation and Bio-Based Technology Use Among Malaysian Smallholder Farmers | impact evaluation; sustainable agriculture; technological adoption; barriers | Mat Jalaluddin; Nurzatil Sharleeza; Rofina Yasmin Othman |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
7930 | Percision agriculture for improved environmental outcomes: Some Australian perspectines. | spatial variability, sugarcane production, intensive dairy farming, water quality, experimentation, | Bramley, Rob G. V. |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
16018 | Perennialization of upland agriculture | climate change; upland agriculture; perennialization; sustainable agriculture; traditional crops | Jamieson, Craig B. |
serials | searca agriculture and development notes 2016 7-4 |
12246 | Performance analysis of contract reforestation in Cebu province: silviculture and social perspectives. | forestry reforestation silviculture Cebu | Baggayan, Rogelio L. Jr. |
theses |
5257 | Performance and competitive ability of rice cultivars to weeds under direct dry seeded environment. | rice, cultivars, weeds, direct seeding, mulch, | Ranjit, J.D. |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
11694 | Performance and physiological responses of forced molted native chicken. | physiological response native chicken | Serrano, Jose V. Jr. |
theses |
12449 | Performance and stability of grain maize genotypes in Peninsular Malaysia. | maize genotypes grain yield soil NPK plant nutrients Malaysia | Than Da Min |
theses |
14886 | Performance evaluation and acceptability to the neighboring community of the swine farm lagoon of University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines | Evaluation; lagoon; water quality; wastewater; swine farm | Ines Soares Pereira |
theses |
12806 | Performance evaluation of single cylinder engine using different blends of ethanol as fuel. | gasoline anhydrous ethanol ethanol gasoline fuel engine shaft speed Myanmar cellulosic biomass | Khine Myat Swe |
theses |
12040 | Performance evaluation of the dairy husbandry cooperative "Setia Kawan" in Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesian | agribusiness management agribusiness system cooperatives dairy industry Setia Kawan | Hary Sulaksono |
theses |