List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15472 Perceptions on the Challenges of Banana Cultivation and Bio-Based Technology Use Among Malaysian Smallholder Farmers impact evaluation; sustainable agriculture; technological adoption; barriers

Mat Jalaluddin; Nurzatil Sharleeza; Rofina Yasmin Othman

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

7930 Percision agriculture for improved environmental outcomes: Some Australian perspectines. spatial variability, sugarcane production, intensive dairy farming, water quality, experimentation,

Bramley, Rob G. V.

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

16018 Perennialization of upland agriculture climate change; upland agriculture; perennialization; sustainable agriculture; traditional crops

Jamieson, Craig B.

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2016 7-4

12246 Performance analysis of contract reforestation in Cebu province: silviculture and social perspectives. forestry reforestation silviculture Cebu

Baggayan, Rogelio L. Jr.


5257 Performance and competitive ability of rice cultivars to weeds under direct dry seeded environment. rice, cultivars, weeds, direct seeding, mulch,

Ranjit, J.D.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11694 Performance and physiological responses of forced molted native chicken. physiological response native chicken

Serrano, Jose V. Jr.


12449 Performance and stability of grain maize genotypes in Peninsular Malaysia. maize genotypes grain yield soil NPK plant nutrients Malaysia

Than Da Min


14886 Performance evaluation and acceptability to the neighboring community of the swine farm lagoon of University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines Evaluation; lagoon; water quality; wastewater; swine farm

Ines Soares Pereira


12806 Performance evaluation of single cylinder engine using different blends of ethanol as fuel. gasoline anhydrous ethanol ethanol gasoline fuel engine shaft speed Myanmar cellulosic biomass

Khine Myat Swe


12040 Performance evaluation of the dairy husbandry cooperative "Setia Kawan" in Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesian agribusiness management agribusiness system cooperatives dairy industry Setia Kawan

Hary Sulaksono
