ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8251 | Plant genetic resources and germplasm use in India. | germplasm, traits, plant genetic, breeding, | Bonham, Curan A. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
6757 | Plant geometrical structure and leaf irradiance in cotton: I. Measurement methodology. | plant geometrical structure plant architecture digitizing leaf irradiance light interception cotton | Sornprach Thanisawanyangkura; Herve Sinoquet |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6758 | Plant geometrical structure and leaf irradiance in cotton: II. Measurement of cotton plant under tropical conditions. | heliotropism digitizing plant geometrical structure | Sornprach Thanisawanyangkura; Herve Sinoquet; Poonpipope Kasemsap |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
4313 | Plant growth regulator increases rice yield. | plant growth regulator, Lidosin, plant hormone, rice, yields, | serials | agriculture |
695 | Plant Growth Regulators: agricultural uses | plant propagation germination flowering rooting tillering gametocides | Nickell, Louis G. |
book |
6762 | Plant monitoring techniques for analyzing yield differentiation between cotton fields and improving crop management. | cotton plant monitoring yield analysis on-farm research | Yves Crozat; Poonpipope Kasemsap |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
4484 | Plant nutrition diagnosis in Japan, with a special focus on crop quality and the environment. | food quality, nitrogen, nitrate, physiological disorders, diagnostic diseases, fertilizer application, drip fertigation, | Tanaka, Fukuyo |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 536 |
11633 | Plant parasitic nematode populations and mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) reactions in soil treated with phenamiphos and organic amendments. | plant pathology nematode mungbean Vigna radiata phenamiphos organic amendments Thailand | Anan Hirunsalee |
theses |
10402 | Plant pathology. | rhizobacteria plant pathogen soil Salmonella enterica wasps insect pests virulence autoimmunity incompatibility syndrome xanthomonas cauliflower mosaic virus rice yellow mottle virus diversification | Friedman, Sylvia |
purch |
427 | Plant physiology in relation to horticulture | seed seedling vegetative plant vegetative propagation flower fruit plant physiology horticulture growth analysis | Bleasdale, J.K.A. |
book |