List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1205 Policies, planning and management for agricultural development : Papers and reports. agricultural development planning economic planning economic analysis price formation trade policy book

14844 Policy advocacy for a climate smart food system in South East Asia: Seed systems research study root and tuber crops; seed systems; seed value chain analysis; Philippines

Tiongco, Marites; Baruah, Sampriti; Mohanty, S.


1188 Policy agenda for the non-traditional agricultural exports. trade performance private sector foreign investors

Adriano, L.S.

book cpds working paper no. 86-08

12641 Policy analysis of coastal ecotourism development on Muara Angke mangrove ecosystem, Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. ecotourism mangrove ecosystem geographic information system coastal ecotourism policy Indonesia

Myint Thu Zar


2449 Policy and institutional priorities for sustainable agriculture and rural development: Results of a regional workshop of the SARD-FSE Project. sustainable agriculture rural development farming systems lowland rainfed rice nongovernmental organizations organic farming evolution book

2763 Policy coherence in agricultural and rural development: Cambodia. agricultural development agricultural policy agricultural and rural development

Sothorn, Kem; Chhun, Chhim; Vuthy, Theng; Sovannarith, So

book cdri working paper series no. 55

3139 Policy conflicts and the performance of emissions trading markets: An adaptive agent-based analysis. emission trading policy

Bing Zhang; Yongliang Zhang

book eepsea research reports 2014-rr9

83 Policy development in the Philippines Philippines financial system financial reforms policy reforms budgeting development book nrcp policy series nos. 5-6

1248 Policy for the health sector. health status health services bank lending book

14796 Policy imperatives to promote urban agriculture in response to COVID-19 pandemic among local government units in the Philippines urban agriculture; local government units; programs; projects; policy; COVID 19; Philippines

Ancog, Rico C.; Gregorio, Glenn B.; Arcillas, Arlene B.; Creencia, Erlinda C.; Aquitania, Victorino E.; Panganiban, Gerald Glenn F.; Hidalgo, Garry A.

serials searca policy paper 2020-3