List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15492 Population parameters of shortfin scad Decapterus macrosoma (Bleeker, 1851) in Antique, Philippines condition factor; growth; mortality

Magallanes, Sagrado; Monteclaro, Harold; Gonzales, Benjamin; Quinitio, Gerald; Mediodia, Dominique

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

43 Population pressure and natural resource management: key issues and possible actions. natural resource management population pressure Bangladesh Nepal Philippines book adb environment paper no.6

559 Population, farming systems and food security farming systems food security land shortages soil degradation livestock systems

Calon, M.L.H.

book farming systems analysis paper no.7(e)

14002 Pork production in Thuringia - management effects on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. 1. Depiction of the state in 2015 pork production; ammonia; greenhouse gases; fertilizing; energy; water

Dammgen, Ulrich; Brade, Wilfried; Haenel, Hans-Dieter; Rosemann, Claus; Klausing, Heinrich Kleine; Webb, J.; Berk, Andreas

serials landbauforschung applied agricultural and forestry research

4547 Porosity of cement-bonded particle boards hardened by CO2 injection and cured by hydration. forestry, inorganic wood composites, accelerated hardening, water absorption, carbon dioxide injection, hydration curing method, particle boards,

Alpar, Tibor

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3392 Portable canvas tanks for culture of hybrid catfish (Clarias cariepinus x Clarias macrocephalus) by small-scale farmers in Malaysia

W.A. Aziz Yaakob

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

13985 Portasol: Drying palay safely and efficiently rice; grains; drying; thermal drying trays

Urlanda, Randy V.

serials agriculture magazine

10988 Position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) : Biotechnology and the future of food. biotechnology amplification antibiotic resistance bloreactors bloremediation clone genetic engineering recombinant DNA : rDNA transgenic organism food safety biotech journal of the american dietetic association

11119 Position of the American Dietetic Association : Fat replacers. reduced fat products obesity calories low-fat foods fat replacers fat-free foods biotech reprinted from journal of the american dietetic association, v. 98(4), apr 1998

11143 Position of the American Dietetic Association : Health implications of dietary fiber. legumes gastrointestinal diseases glucose viscosity dietary fiber cardiovascular disease insulin resistance biotech reprinted from journal of the american dietetic association, v. 97(10), oct '97