ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8598 | Poor boy makes good in organic farming and agritourism. | agritourism, Costales Farm, organic farm, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13404 | Poor landless couple accumulates 24 hectares after 18 years | corn; | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13916 | Poplar clones differ in their resistance against insects feeding | poplar; clones; chrysomelid beetles; resistance; susceptibility | Schroeder, Hilke; Fladung, Matthias |
serials | landbauforschung applied agricultural and forestry research |
9381 | Popularity of dragon fruit continues to surge. | dragon fruit, Pitaya, varieties, | serials | agriculture magazine |
10110 | Popularizing research: A manual for facilitating participatory action research in the community. | participatory action research survey interview recordkeeping mapping sociometry data analysis | Cabungcal-Cabiles, Minerva; Abelardo, Maria Theresa N.; Fajardo-Maralit, Anna Rica C.; Penunia-Banzuela, Ma. Estrella A. |
purch |
90 | Population and food requirements | population food requirements population growth rice production quantitative population | Paunlagui, M.M. |
book | cpds working paper no. 97-12 |
10589 | Population and society. | population fertility mortality migration family formation health inequalities | Holdsworth, Clare; Finney, Nissa; Marshall, Alan; Norman, Paul |
purch |
131 | Population and the comprehensive agrarian reform program | Philippines Agrarian reform Poverty Population growth | Cornista, Luzviminda B. |
book | iast occasional papers series no.35 |
11634 | Population changes of reniform and root-knot nematodes on selected crops and their effect on crop yields. | plant pathology root-knot nematodes crops yields Thailand | Pamorntip Aksorntong |
theses |
3389 | Population control in farmed tilapias | Mair, G.C. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |