List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
600 Postharvest handling of tropical and subtropical fruit crops fruits tropical fruits postharvest handling pest control storage disease control ethylene packaging Malaysia Taiwan Thailand Korea book fftc book series no.37

825 Postharvest handling of tropical fruits : Proceedings of an International Conference held at Chiang Mai, Thailand, Jul 19-23, 1993. tropical fruits postharvest technology fruits plant products marketing processing diseases storage Asia avocado mango lychee harvesting transportation bananas disinfestation

Champ, B.R.; Highley, E.; Johnson, G.I.

book aciar proceedings no.50

15243 Postharvest handling: a system approach postharvest systems; postharvest handling; regulations; quality standards; food safety; fruits; vegetables; value chain management; digital revolution; nutritional value; consumer acceptability; nutrient components; losses; cold chain management; packaging; multiomics approaches

Florkowski, Wojciech J.; Banks, Nigel H.; Shewfelt, Robert L.; Prussia, Stanley E. (Eds.)


7463 Postharvest Mechanical Drenching and Disease Control of Mango. postharvest machinery, mango,

Bundit Jarimopas

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15357 Postharvest quality improvement of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) nutmeg; postharvest; quality; shells; storage

Okky S. Dharmaputra; Santi Ambarwati; Ina Retnowati; Nijma Nurfadila

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

232 Postharvest technology for agricultural products in Vietnam Vietnam postharvest handling postharvest technologies food grains grain drying quality management cereal grains stored grain drying fruits vegetables seafood products livestocks livestock products pest management pest control

Champ, B.R.; Highley, E. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.60

10140 Postharvest technology for Southeast Asian perishable crops. postharvest handling postharvest losses technologies harvesting packinghouse operations moisture cleaning curing waxing standardization grading inspection packaging ripening degreening color adding precooling refrigeration transport storage pest management disease control quality assurance socio-economic

Bautista, Ofelia K.; Esguerra, Elda B. (eds.)


1456 Postharvest technology for Southeast Asian perishable crops. postharvest handling harvesting disease control quarantine treatment refrigeration packaging precooling ripening grading waxing

Bautista, Ofelia K.


15005 Postharvest treatments and shipping conditions for reducing fruit drop in cut Sarcandra glabra branches ethylene; export; reefer container; silver thiosulfate complex; sugar

Shimizu-Yumoto, Hiroko; Ujiie, Yumi; Ogawa, Takayuki

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15747 Postharvest: Research and processing implications food processing; postharvest; research

Manalili, Nerlita M.; Johnson, Greg I.; Tongdee, Sing Ching; Tumlos, Locel Ann C.
