List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2323 Practical research on current issues: Studies on global perspectives in schools in Japan. education curriculum development learning evaluation Japan

Lee Seung-Mi; Jung Hye-Won (eds.)

book eiu best case study series no.6

15018 Practical research on rearing broodstock abalone using a closed recirculating system biofilter; Haliotis discus hannai; hatcheries

Matsumoto, Yukio; Maeda, Tomoki

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

13570 Practical tips on how to grow culinary herbs culinary herbs; planting; propagation; transplanting; fertilization; harvesting

Espiritu, Lanie

serials agriculture magazine

9423 Practical tips on lakatan production. lakatan, banana, fertilizer, serials agriculture magazine

10128 Practical tips to organic gardening / farming. organic farming tree bands Bordeaux powder cutworms corn earworm insect repellent starch spray fruit fly traps wireworm traps sow bug traps composting seaweed compost accelerator compost tea herbal tea spray pyrethrum spray concentrate

Sangatanan, Pedro D.; Sangatanan, Rone L.


14256 Practical ways to control cogon cogon; grass; bamboo; Centrosema; sacks

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

5645 Practical ways to control phytophthora in durian. phytophthora plant diseases fruit rot durian preventive measures infestation plant diseases disease control

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine

9905 Practice-oriented handbook on corporate governance. corporate governance board committees risk management external auditors performance rating system legal protection director's self assessment code of proper practices bank corporate governance

Vivas, Celso P.


6320 Practices for proper rice crop establishment. rice synchronous planting

Biag, Hanah Hazel Mavi M.

serials agriculture magazine

1967 Practices of poverty measurement and poverty profile of Bangladesh. income expenditure poverty direct calorie intake food energy intake household income consumption expenditure cost of basic needs method Bangladesh

Faizuddin Ahmed

book erd working paper series no. 54