List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4043 Powdery mildew resistance in cucumber. Sphaerotheca cucurbitae, genetic resources, temperature, inheritance, hypersensitive reaction,

Morishita, Masami

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6143 Power from garbage. garbage biogas methane PhilBio

Sambile, Paulo

serials agriculture magazine

8745 Power grower combo can double sugarcane yield. sugarcane, ratoon,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

13853 Powering the Philippine economy - Electricity economics and policy electric power; economic aspects; economic policy; electric utilities; energy policy; consumption; price; poverty; tariffs; value-added tax; red tape; power generation regulation; electric cooperatives; Philippines book

663 Practical application of azolla for rice production Azolla blue-green algae biofertilizers rice production

Silver, W.S.; Schroder, E.C. (eds.)

book developments in plant and soil sciences, volume 13

10998 Practical applications of biotechnology in agriculture. biotechnology plant breeding transgenic corn Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt Randy Hautea

Sarian, Zac B.

biotech philippine panorama: agri-talk

10211 Practical food preservation and processing. food preservation food processing food composition microorganisms postharvest handling and storage preservation heat application dehydration sugar preservation salting curing fermentation pickling food additives preservatives food packaging

Sonido, Divina G.; Chavez, Libia L.; De Leon, Sonia Y.


10126 Practical guide to duck, guinea fowl and quail raising. duck raising guinea fowl quail raising balut making egg hatching egg production incubation brooding sex determination feeding

Sangatanan, Pedro D.; Sangatanan, Rone L.


10125 Practical guide to goat raising. goats milk goats milking breeding feeding nutrient requirements housing selection body parts breeds

Sangatanan, Pedro D. Sangatanan, Rone L.


8376 Practical guide to oil palm farming. palm oil, farming, fertilizer application, planting,

Pamplona, Pablito

serials agriculture magazine