List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2943 Poverty reduction in coconut growing communities - Volume 1: The framework and project plan. poverty reduction project achievements sustainable livelihoods framework project success stories participatory project evaluation project impact project sustainability Vietnam Fiji Papua New Guinea

Batugal, Pons; Oliver, Jeffrey; Coronel, Rodolfo E.


2276 Poverty reduction in coconut growing communities - Volume 1: The framework and project plan. poverty reduction plant genetic resources biodiversity conservation coconut growing income generating technologies Bangladesh India Sri Lanka Indonesia Philippines Vietnam Fiji Papua New Guinea

Batugal, Pons; Oliver, Jeffrey (eds.)


3799 Poverty reduction issues: village economy perspective. land reform, share tenancy, Green Revolution, human capital, rural industrialization,

Keijiro Otsuka

serials asian development review

15710 Poverty reduction through sustainable fisheries: Emerging policy and governance issues in Southeast Asia aquaculture; poverty reduction; aquatic resource management; sustainable fisheries; seafood supply chain; poverty reduction; coastal marine resources

Briones, Roehlano M.; Garcia, Arnulfo G.


10098 Poverty targeting in Asia. poverty microfinance poverty reduction Asia India Indonesia China Thailand Philippines

Weiss, John (ed.)


1612 Poverty, growth, and inequality in Thailand. Poverty economic growth inequality

Deolalikar, Anil B.

book erd working paper series no.8

10258 Poverty, health, and ecosystems: Experience from Asia. poverty health ecosystems livelihoods biodiversity governance natural resource degradation community-based forest management SARS avian influenza zoonotic diseases veterinary health deforestation Nipah virus fruit bats pig farming food security aquatic resources food diversity poverty reduction grassland ecosystem livelihood improvement environmental protection participatory extension gender inequities community mangrove management wetland resource management

Steele, Paul; Oviedo, Gonzalo; McCauley, David (eds.)


16191 Poverty, income inequality, and irrigation development: Longitudinal evidence from Palawan, Philippines poverty; decomposition; inequality; irrigation; rice; Philippines

Shively, Gerald; Yao, Richard

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

7026 Powder increases vegetable yields. fruit set enhancer Nevirol vegetables eggplant serials agriculture magazine

6045 Powdered rock lime controls giant earthworm. earthworms pest control rock lime

Allig, Teresita D.

serials agriculture magazine