List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8317 Potential development and application of agri-biotechnology in the asian and pacific region. agriculture biotechnology, sustainable agriculture, risk assessment,

Huang, Hung C.

serials fftc extension bulletin 630

8009 Potential impacts of a Turkish EU-membership on agri-food markets. turkey, agri-food markets, enlargement, PE-model,

Salamon, Petra

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

8175 Potential lessons for teaching in multilingual mathematics classrooms in Australia and Southeast Asia. mathematics and language, multilingualism, teaching contexts, teaching, home background, learning,

Clarkson, Philip C.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

7598 Potential lines and hybrids developed from modified reciprocal recurrent selection in maize. modified reciprocal recurrent selection, inbred tester, testcross hybrids, lines, hybrids,

Sujin Jenweerawat

serials the kasetsart journal

6678 Potential methods for identification the gamma irradiated from unirradiated larvae of helicoverpa armigera hubner (lepidoptera: noctuidae). helicoverpa armigera gamma radiation haemocyte count phenoloxidase activity

Sermsiri Surisan; Praparat Hormchan; Surachate Jamornmarn; Arunee Wongpiyasatid; Arunee Engkakul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

13889 Potential mitigation contribution from agroforestry to Viet Nam’s NDC agroforestry; carbon; expansion domain; mitigation; tree cover; climate change mitigation; agriculture

Mulia, Rachmat; Nguyen Mai Phuong; Pham Thanh Van; Dinh Thu Hang


13891 Potential mitigation contribution from coffee agroforestry in three regions of Vietnam carbon storage; coffee agroforestry; carbon estimation; climate change mitigation; Vietnam; Central Highlands; Northwest Vietnam; Southeast Vietnam

Pham Thanh Van; Rachmat Mulia; Dinh Thu Hang


7953 Potential of near infrared spectroscopy for differentiation of organically and conventionally produced milk. milk authentication, differentiation, organic milk, fatty acids,

Aulrich, Karen

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

15291 Potential of nitrification inhibition and change of soil bacterial community structure by biofumigation of Brassica juncea green manure in succeeding sweet corn cultivation under gray lowland soil conditions Glucosinolate; Nitrosomonadaceae; Nitrospiraceae; Sinapis alba; soil mineral nitrogen

Ayaka Fuchikami; Myra Shin; Hiroyuki Masumoto; Ryoji Koukata; Hayato Tokumoto; Hiroyuki Daimon; Atsushi Matsumura

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

97 Potential of on-farm reservoir use for increasing productivity of Philippine rainfed rice areas reservoir production practices rainfed rice

Moya, T.B..; dela Vina, W.C.; Bhuiyan, S.I.

book cpds working paper no. 97-05