ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9867 | The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership workbook | leadership; empowerment; respect | Maxwell, John.C. |
purch |
9861 | The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership: Follow them and people will follow you. | leadership industrial management influence respect intuition empowerment priorities timing growth legacy | Maxwell, John. C. |
purch |
2792 | The 3rd Asia Pacific Agriculture Policy Forum - Proceedings. | agriculture trade livestock products cooperatives livestock diseases feedgrain demand beef markets water resource infrastructure food production agricultural marketing | book |
15160 | The 4th Philippine graduate tracer study: Examining higher education as a pathway to employment, citizenship, and life satisfaction from the learner's perspective | education; employment; sociopolitical participation; college experience; tracer study | Tutor, Melba V.; Orbeta Jr., Aniceto C.; Miraflor, James M.B. |
book | research paper series no. 2021-05 |
13154 | The 5S for the office: User's guide | workplace organization | purch |
2471 | The 5th JIRCAS International Symposium on Postharvest technology in Asia - A step forward to stable supply of food products. | postharvest technology grain storage preservation methyl bromide biological control aflatoxin grain quality food industries | Nawa, Y.; Takagi, H.; Noguchi, A.; Tsubota, K. (eds.) |
book |
14258 | The 5th most common disease among pigs and how to avoid it | Porcine Hemorrhagic Enteropathy; acute hemorrhage; Porcine Intestinal Adenomatosis; Subclinical Ileitis; swine diseases; pigs; vaccination; prevention | Necessario, Nikky |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13123 | The 7th Asia Pacific Agriculture Policy Forum | agro food; policy reform; agricultural negotiations; regional cooperation; agri-business; agro-food industries; environment; ag-flation; agriculture research management; bio-diversity; bio-security; agriculture; research and development; environmental sustainability; off-farm income and rural development (AARDO); human resource development; institutional reform | book |
10388 | The 8th habit: From effectiveness to greatness. | leadership; management; trust; intelligence; empowerment; organizational leadership | Covey, Stephen R. |
purch |
13935 | The 9th ASAE International Conference 2017: Transformation in agricultural and food economy in Asia, Parts 1-5 | rural transformation; agriculture; sustainable development; consumer behavior; food consumption; food; value chain development; technology adoption; mobile phones; trade agreements; international cooperation; demographic changes; agricultural production; DNA fingerprinting; climate change adaptation; rice sector; resilience; risks; rural development; insurance market; agricultural insurance; cultivars; microcredit; tenant farmers; Asia | book |