ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1150 | Technology transfer and sustainable development | technology transfer appropriate technology sustainable development indicators | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
9564 | Technology Transfer for Water Savings in the Philippines. | water saving technology transfer agriculture | BAM Bouman and DF Tabbal; RM Lampayan and RV Cuyno; MB Quiamco and VR Vicmudo; TM Norte and AT Lactaoen; EJP Quilang and JL de Dios |
cd |
7899 | Technology transfer strategies for small farm mechanization technologies in the Philippines. | philippines, appropriate technology, strategies, small farm mechanization, technology transfer, extension strategies, | Paras, Fernando O. Jr. |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 570 |
8768 | Technology utilization for farm management of rubber smallholding among rubber ecological zones. | rubber, ecological zones, farm management, | Kanokporn Pakeechai |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
607 | Technology verification through on-farm trials (TVOFT): Training Manual | technology development agroforestry on-farm trials land resource evaluation | Del Castillo, R.A.; Dalmacio, R.V.; Lasco, R.D.; Lawas, N.R. (eds.) |
book |
4571 | Telemetry in watershed management and monitoring | telemetry, technology, watershed management, miniweather station, hydrological station, | serials | rise: research information series on ecosystems |
9046 | Telling data: The accountancy record of a Chinese farmer. | Chinese agriculture, peasants, farm accountancy, rural economy, networks, | Yong Zhao |
serials | njas-waginingen journal of life nad sciences |
11479 | Telling transgenic technology tales: Lessons from the Agriucltural Biotechnology Support Project (ABSP) Experience. | Egypt Indonesia South Africa transgenic potato biosafety intellectual property rights socio-economic impact assessment commercialisation Bacillus thuringiensis living modified organisms technology diffusion gene insertion technology transfer capacity building biotechnology transgenic crops genetically modified organisms food safety | Brenner, C. |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 31 |
8627 | Temperament plays key role in cattle health. | cattle, animal health, | Avant, Sandra |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7431 | Temperate Cereal Improvement for Sustainable Agriculture: Powdery Mildew Resistence in Barley lines (Powdery Mildew, Erysiphe graminis DC. ex Merat : hordei Marchat). | hordei Marchat). | powdery mildew resistance, final malt quality test, sustainable agriculture, hordeum vulgare, erysiphe graminis hordei, multigene families, | Ngamchuen Ratanadilok |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |