ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8077 | Teaching science topics at the primary level: Beliefs and practice. | science topics, beliefs, practice, | May, Cheng May H. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
388 | Teaching strategies in livelihood and vocational education today | Vocational education teaching Pratical Arts farm mechanics farm meetings public relations cooperative development teaching objectives nonformal education manpower program farmers farm operation | Dagoon, J.D.; Dagoon, N.J.P. |
book |
4960 | Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.). | serials | asean biodiversity |
9917 | Team building and creating effective systems. | team building Filipino values organizational analysis | Andres, T.D. |
purch |
9384 | Technical aid in agriculture to be extended by Southeast Asian think tank to DA, to expand programs on carabao dairy, good agri practices. | Good Agricultural Practices, SEARCA, research programs, | serials | agriculture magazine |
10029 | Technical analysis explained: The successful investor's guide to spotting investment trends and turning points. | investment analysis market cycle model financial markets business cycle price patterns interest rates stock market market behavior automated trading systems | Pring, Martin J. |
purch |
2055 | Technical and institutional innovations to conservation farming and agroforestry: Components of sustainable watershed management. | watershed management conservation farming technology dissemination landcare LGU government Claveria Landcare Association | Mercado, Agustin R. Jr.; Garrity, Dennis P.; Catacutan, Delia C. |
book |
1671 | Technical and institutional issues in participatory plant breeding - from the perspective of formal plant breeding : A global analysis of issues, results, and current experience. | A global analysis of issues, results, and current experience. | plant breeding farmer participation | Weltzein, Eva; Smith, Margaret E.; Meitzner, Laura S.; Sperling, Louise |
book |
15687 | Technical and policy assessment of the Solar-Powered Irrigation System (SPIS): A case study in Ilocos Region | irrigation, Solar Powered-Irrigation System (SPIS), Ilocos Region | Panganiban, Maria Evic C. |
theses |
16185 | Technical efficiency analysis of small-scale cassava farming in Lao PDR | cassava farming; economies of scale; technical efficiency; Savannakhet; Vientiane; Lao PDR | Soukkhamthat, Thanongsai; Wong, Grace Y. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |