List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8077 Teaching science topics at the primary level: Beliefs and practice. science topics, beliefs, practice,

May, Cheng May H.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

388 Teaching strategies in livelihood and vocational education today Vocational education teaching Pratical Arts farm mechanics farm meetings public relations cooperative development teaching objectives nonformal education manpower program farmers farm operation

Dagoon, J.D.; Dagoon, N.J.P.


4960 Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.). serials asean biodiversity

9917 Team building and creating effective systems. team building Filipino values organizational analysis

Andres, T.D.


9384 Technical aid in agriculture to be extended by Southeast Asian think tank to DA, to expand programs on carabao dairy, good agri practices. Good Agricultural Practices, SEARCA, research programs, serials agriculture magazine

10029 Technical analysis explained: The successful investor's guide to spotting investment trends and turning points. investment analysis market cycle model financial markets business cycle price patterns interest rates stock market market behavior automated trading systems

Pring, Martin J.


2055 Technical and institutional innovations to conservation farming and agroforestry: Components of sustainable watershed management. watershed management conservation farming technology dissemination landcare LGU government Claveria Landcare Association

Mercado, Agustin R. Jr.; Garrity, Dennis P.; Catacutan, Delia C.


1671 Technical and institutional issues in participatory plant breeding - from the perspective of formal plant breeding : A global analysis of issues, results, and current experience. A global analysis of issues, results, and current experience. plant breeding farmer participation

Weltzein, Eva; Smith, Margaret E.; Meitzner, Laura S.; Sperling, Louise


15687 Technical and policy assessment of the Solar-Powered Irrigation System (SPIS): A case study in Ilocos Region irrigation, Solar Powered-Irrigation System (SPIS), Ilocos Region

Panganiban, Maria Evic C.


16185 Technical efficiency analysis of small-scale cassava farming in Lao PDR cassava farming; economies of scale; technical efficiency; Savannakhet; Vientiane; Lao PDR

Soukkhamthat, Thanongsai; Wong, Grace Y.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)