ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15402 | Teachers' process skills in science: Inputs to training module development and evaluation | science process skills; teachers; training program; active learning | Adarayan, E.D. Jr.; Culaba, I.B.; Maquiling, J.T. |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
11579 | Teachers' reactions toward population education in public secondary schools. | teachers population education public secondary schools Philippines | Esteban, Vivencio C. |
theses |
2707 | Teaching agrobiodiversity: a curriculum guide for higher education. | agrobiodiversity food security higher education global change climate change conservation livelihoods food and nutrition traditional knowledge environmental services value chains breeding | Rudebjer, Per; van Schagen, Boudy; Chakeredza, Sebastian; Njoroge, Kiarie; Kamau, Henry; Baena, Margarita |
book |
523 | Teaching and workshop methods in agriculture: A handbook for planners, instructors and administrators | teaching workshop organizing | Shute, J.C.M.; Moore, G.A.B. |
book |
11755 | Teaching competency needs of vocational agriculture teachers as perceived by vocational agriculture teachers and administrators in Thailand | Teaching competency needs vocational agriculture teachers administrators Thailand | Peerapong Tipanark |
theses |
11733 | Teaching effectiveness, research productivity, and extension performance in selected state colleges | research productivity extension performance state colleges Philippines | Navarra, Merlita L. |
theses |
16535 | Teaching grammar through literature: Bringing language to life in the secondary classroom | English language; Grammar | Fenn, Rachel; McGlynn, Anna |
book |
13143 | Teaching module on climate change and rice production | climate change; rice production; greenhouse effect; global warming; adaptation; mitigation; vermicomposting; ecological farming; integrated crop management system; floating garden; Palayamanan system | book |
8137 | Teaching primary science in rural and regional Australia: Some challenges facing practicing and pre-service teachers. | regional, rural, science, resources, pedagogical, | Laidlaw, Kristy R. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
8788 | Teaching problem solving in secondary school mathematics classrooms. | problem solving, Polya's model, | Toh Tin Lam |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |