List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15402 Teachers' process skills in science: Inputs to training module development and evaluation science process skills; teachers; training program; active learning

Adarayan, E.D. Jr.; Culaba, I.B.; Maquiling, J.T.

serials journal of southeast asian education

11579 Teachers' reactions toward population education in public secondary schools. teachers population education public secondary schools Philippines

Esteban, Vivencio C.


2707 Teaching agrobiodiversity: a curriculum guide for higher education. agrobiodiversity food security higher education global change climate change conservation livelihoods food and nutrition traditional knowledge environmental services value chains breeding

Rudebjer, Per; van Schagen, Boudy; Chakeredza, Sebastian; Njoroge, Kiarie; Kamau, Henry; Baena, Margarita


523 Teaching and workshop methods in agriculture: A handbook for planners, instructors and administrators teaching workshop organizing

Shute, J.C.M.; Moore, G.A.B.


11755 Teaching competency needs of vocational agriculture teachers as perceived by vocational agriculture teachers and administrators in Thailand Teaching competency needs vocational agriculture teachers administrators Thailand

Peerapong Tipanark


11733 Teaching effectiveness, research productivity, and extension performance in selected state colleges research productivity extension performance state colleges Philippines

Navarra, Merlita L.


16535 Teaching grammar through literature: Bringing language to life in the secondary classroom English language; Grammar

Fenn, Rachel; McGlynn, Anna


13143 Teaching module on climate change and rice production climate change; rice production; greenhouse effect; global warming; adaptation; mitigation; vermicomposting; ecological farming; integrated crop management system; floating garden; Palayamanan system book

8137 Teaching primary science in rural and regional Australia: Some challenges facing practicing and pre-service teachers. regional, rural, science, resources, pedagogical,

Laidlaw, Kristy R.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

8788 Teaching problem solving in secondary school mathematics classrooms. problem solving, Polya's model,

Toh Tin Lam

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia