List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2962 Synthesis Report: Adaptation Knowledge Management Workshop: Harnessing Adaptation Knowledge in the Asia-Pacific Region, 28 February 2011, Bangkok, Thailand. knowledge management models; climate change adaptation; adaptation learning mechanism; solutions exchange book

14234 System analysis of maize (Zea mays L.) postproduction mechanization in East Java, Indonesia maize; Zea mays L.; supply chain; harvesting; storage; postproduction; mechanization

Fitriati, Deasy


1693 System approach on agricultural production. agricultural development artificial intelligence computerization farm machinery postharvest handling grain drying book

8774 System factors and guidelines for effective educational management of small schools under the office of basic education commission. basic education, school management,

Thaksin Sithisak

serials the kasetsart journal

7611 Systematic data collection on and status of Thai industrial tuna purse sein operations in the Indian Ocean. tuna, Thai industrial tuna purse seine, catch rate,

Praulai Nootmorn

serials the kasetsart journal

13058 Systematic review on forest governance research in Indonesia forest governance forest policy forestry problems land clearance forest fire climate change mitigation forest conservation

Erna lka Rahayu


12416 Systematic studies on Guttiferae Juss. and Hypericaceae Juss. of Peninsular Malaysia. forestry Guttiferae Hypericaceae phylogeny morphology species molecular phylogeny DNA sequencing taxonomy Malaysia

Radhiah Zakaria


3657 Systemic granulomatosis in guppies Poecilia reticulata. guppy, granuloma, bacterium, histopathology,

Nontawith Areechon

serials the kasetsart journal

10084 Systems analysis and design in a changing world. systems analysis systems design resource planning system interfaces databases modeling system systems analyst

Satzinger, John W.; Jackson, Robert B.; Burd, Stephen D.


2488 Systems and farmer participatory research: Developments in research on natural resource management. natural resource management germplasm improvement Mucuna maize land use systems Pucallpa pasture systems participatory research methods integrated crop management cassava soil conservation green manure seed production Peru Honduras Brazil Asia Indonesia Africa Uganda

Fujisaka, Sam; Jones, Annie (eds.)
