List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2155 Sustainable rural livelihoods : What contribution can we make? livelihoods biodiversity aquatic resources forestry land tenure water irrigation diversification

Carney, Diana (eds.)


14877 Sustainable solid waste management system for Pyin Oo Lwin township, Myanmar solid waste management; waste management practices; awareness

Theint Theint Aung


2711 Sustainable stock management and development of aquaculture technology suitable for Southeast Asia. stock management Lutjanus johnii Johnius carouna Epinephelus coioides mangrove estuaries Penaeus monodon Hypoxia fishes feeding habits crustaceans mysids shrimps fisheries sandfish sea cucumber zooplankton immunostimulation

Tanaka, K.; Morioka, S.; Watanabe, S. (eds.)

book jircas working report no. 75

12820 Sustainable tourism development at Gelung Beach Situbondo. Gelung beach sustainable tourism sustainability analysis tourism development

Firmansyah, Riza


2268 Sustainable tourism: Challenges for the Philippines. tourism ecotourism indigenous communities whale watching employment Philippines Sagada Mountain Province Bais City

Alampay, Ramon Benedicto A. (ed.)


10528 Sustainable tourism: Concepts and case studies in the Philippines. tourism ecotourism sustainable development island tourism protected areas wildlife tourism zoo tourism urban green parks community involvement cultural heritage tourism benefits negative impacts

Catibog-Sinha, Corazon


6183 Sustainable utilization of bamboo pushed. bamboo products

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

3453 Sustainable utilization of inland water resources: an integrated program for research and management

Mitchell, B.D.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

15925 Sustainable value chain financing for smallholder agricultural production in the Philippines agricultural credit; agricultural value chains; small farmers and fishermen; agricultural finance

Dacuycuy, Connie B.; Ballesteros, Marife M.; Baje, Lora Kryz C.; Ancheta, Jenica A.

serials philippine journal of development (pjd)

4 Sustaining agricultural and rural development in a globalizing Asia-Pacific. rural-urban development agricultural mechanization postharvest modernization mountain village development forestry fisheries resources management fishery development book