ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2155 | Sustainable rural livelihoods : What contribution can we make? | livelihoods biodiversity aquatic resources forestry land tenure water irrigation diversification | Carney, Diana (eds.) |
book |
14877 | Sustainable solid waste management system for Pyin Oo Lwin township, Myanmar | solid waste management; waste management practices; awareness | Theint Theint Aung |
theses |
2711 | Sustainable stock management and development of aquaculture technology suitable for Southeast Asia. | stock management Lutjanus johnii Johnius carouna Epinephelus coioides mangrove estuaries Penaeus monodon Hypoxia fishes feeding habits crustaceans mysids shrimps fisheries sandfish sea cucumber zooplankton immunostimulation | Tanaka, K.; Morioka, S.; Watanabe, S. (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 75 |
12820 | Sustainable tourism development at Gelung Beach Situbondo. | Gelung beach sustainable tourism sustainability analysis tourism development | Firmansyah, Riza |
theses |
2268 | Sustainable tourism: Challenges for the Philippines. | tourism ecotourism indigenous communities whale watching employment Philippines Sagada Mountain Province Bais City | Alampay, Ramon Benedicto A. (ed.) |
book |
10528 | Sustainable tourism: Concepts and case studies in the Philippines. | tourism ecotourism sustainable development island tourism protected areas wildlife tourism zoo tourism urban green parks community involvement cultural heritage tourism benefits negative impacts | Catibog-Sinha, Corazon |
purch |
6183 | Sustainable utilization of bamboo pushed. | bamboo products | Abello, Melpha M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3453 | Sustainable utilization of inland water resources: an integrated program for research and management | Mitchell, B.D. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
15925 | Sustainable value chain financing for smallholder agricultural production in the Philippines | agricultural credit; agricultural value chains; small farmers and fishermen; agricultural finance | Dacuycuy, Connie B.; Ballesteros, Marife M.; Baje, Lora Kryz C.; Ancheta, Jenica A. |
serials | philippine journal of development (pjd) |
4 | Sustaining agricultural and rural development in a globalizing Asia-Pacific. | rural-urban development agricultural mechanization postharvest modernization mountain village development forestry fisheries resources management fishery development | book |