ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2210 | Sustainable food security for all by 2020: Proceedings of an international conference, 4-6 September 2001, Bonn, Germany. | food supply forecasting food relief population food security poverty globalization World Trade Organizations agricultural policies climate change water sustainable food production food insecurity empowering women governance industrialized countries | book |
13072 | Sustainable forest management: From concept to practice | forest management; forest biodiversity; forest ecosystems; productivity; soils; water; watersheds; carbon; public participation; land-use planning | Innes, John L.; Tikina, Anna V. (eds.) |
purch |
12989 | Sustainable household-level production of muscovado sugar | muscovado muscovado home production Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organization (ARBO) Agrarian Reform Benificiaries (ARB) | Yap, Julio P., Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
2200 | Sustainable inland fisheries management in Bangladesh. | community based fisheries management property rights inland fisheries participatory management flood control drainage irrigation systems multimedia carp stocking water quality floodplain fish biodiversity fishing gear fingerling stocking | Middendorp, Hans A.J.; Thompson, Paul M.; Pomeroy, Robert S. (eds.) |
book |
2947 | Sustainable integrated management and planning for local government ecosystems (SIMPLE). | land use planning sound territorial development trainer pool formation investment programming Zoning ordinance | Lange, Andreas; Astilla, Cecilia; Nuevas, Dolores |
book |
2603 | Sustainable intensification of Rabi cropping in southern Bangladesh using wheat and mungbean. | wheat production climate land availability fertilizer and water requirements plant breeding Rabi mungbean | Rawson, H.M (ed.) |
book | aciar technical reports no. 78 |
13140 | Sustainable land management in Asia - Introducing the landscape approach | agrobiodiversity; climate-smart agriculture; cross-slope barrier; forest management; landscape management technology; land management; soil conservation; ecosystems; agro-ecosystems; indigenous knowledge; land degradation; agroforestry; farming; water; land, carbon; agriculture; REDD plus; trees; sustainable agriculture; conservation agriculture; homegardens; investment; Asian Development Bank | book |
10151 | Sustainable land management sourcebook. | land use sustainable agriculture rural development land management global change rainfed farming poverty reduction highlands web-based tools natural resource management | purch |
1127 | Sustainable land use systems in the Philippines: Some lessons learned | sustainability land use Philippines | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
1137 | Sustainable land use systems in the Philippines: Some lessons learned | Philippines Land use Farming systems Agroforestry Deforestation Highlands | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |