ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15789 | Sustainability of microfinance institutions in Thailand | financial performance; financial sustainability; microfinance institutions; panel data estimation | Hemtanon, Wittawat; Gan, Christopher |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
12819 | Sustainability of polyculture model for small aquaculture farmers in Phu Vang District, Thua Thien, Hue Province, Vietnam. | polyculture aquaculture tiger black shrimp rabbitfish kinh | Mac Nhu Binh |
theses |
751 | Sustainability of rice in the global food system | food security food systems rice production biodiversity genetic enhancement weeds Asia | Dowling, N.G.; Greenfield, S.M.; Fischer, K.S. (eds.) |
book |
12353 | Sustainability of smallholder cashew production in West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. | environmental science sustainability cashew production West Nusa Tenggara | Agus Hasanuddin Rachman |
theses |
13547 | Sustainability of soil and water resources | sustainability; soil and water resources; solar-powered irrigation | Yap, Julio P. Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11956 | Sustainability of the Ifugao terraces farming system: an evaluation | rural development sustainability Ifugao farming system | Culhi, Leopoldo M. |
theses |
9117 | Sustainability of the national government premium subsidy for indigents. | subsidy, PhilHealth, Universal health coverage, indigent member, | Silfverberg, Denise Valerie |
serials | philippine journal of development |
12894 | Sustainability of Zampen native chicken production | native chicken Zampen Western Mindanao Agriculture and Aquatic Resources Research and Development Consortium (WESMAARRDEC) native chicken program Zampen Native Chicken Fiesta 2016 | Ya[, Julio P., Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9065 | Sustainability research: Organizational challenge for intermediary research institutes. | sustainability research, institutional change, | Spoelstra, Sierk F. |
serials | njas-waginingen journal of life nad sciences |
15712 | Sustainability science for watershed landscapes | groundwater resources; landscape scale conservation; sustainability science; watershed landscapes | Roumasset, James A.; Burnett, Kimberly M.; Balisacan, Arsenio M. (Eds.) |
book |