List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7415 Symbolic Integration for Line Integrals II. liouville theorem, symbolic integration, special functions, error functions,

Utsanee Leerawat

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

873 Symposium in weed science weeds biology ecology floating weeds aquatic weeds weed control herbicide

Pancho, J.V.; Soetikno S. Sastroutomo; Soekisman Tjitrosemito (eds.)

book biotrop special publication no.24

4834 Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopic technique: The tool for rapid identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at sub-ppm level in. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, synchronous scanning, spectrofluorometry,

Apisit Songsasen

serials the kasetsart journal

6649 Synergism and detoxification mechanism of crude sugar apple seed extract in tetranychus truncatus ehara (prostigmata: tetranychidae). tetranychus truncatus synergist detoxification mechanism sugar apple extract

Suthida Sakunwarin; Angsumarn Chandrapatya; Suraphon Visetson

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5231 Synergistic effects of sesame oil with cypermethrin on the survival and detoxification enzyme activity of Plutella xylostella L. larvae. Plutella xylostella, sesame oil, cypermethrin, detoxification enzyme,

Visetson, S.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

10911 Synergy through partnerships : The Asian maize biotechnology network. maize biotechnology conventional breeding mapping resistance genes downy mildew virus diseases Asia genetic diversity

George, Maria Luz C.; Hoisington, David


13335 Syngenta tops corn derby in Cagayan Valley corn varieties; fertilizer; weed control; yields

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

13375 Syngenta's hybrid rice tops rice derby hybrid rice; yields; Syngenta serials agriculture magazine

13527 Syngenta's new hybrid corn proves best for Mindanao highlands corn; hybrid yellow corn; disease resistant; Diplodia ear rot; fungal disease; Mindanao

Baldovino, Ryan

serials agriculture magazine

7584 Syntenic relationship of loci for quantitative resistance to Pyricularia grisea in rice and barley. Pyricularia grisea, quantitative trait loci, synteny, barley, blast fungus,

Phinyarat Kongprakhon

serials the kasetsart journal