ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7765 | Sweet success in sweet pepper. | sweet pepper, investment, fertilizer application, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9958 | Sweet success: 12 proven habits of winning leaders. | leaders success | Byrd, Bill; Weeden, Larry K. |
purch |
5519 | Sweet tamarind production guide: Aglibut variety up for commercialization. | tamarind, propagation, transplanting, intercropping, irrigation, fertilizer application, pruning, thinning, pest control, harvesting, | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14329 | Sweet, sweet wine: Deewan's dragon fruit artisan wine | wine; dragon fruit | Malabed, Liliwa |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14774 | Sweetening the pot developing the market for palm and coconut sugar in Southeast Asia | coconut sugar; palm sugar; market; demand; production; value chain; Indonesia; Philippines; Cambodia; Myanmar | weblinks |
1841 | Sweetpotato in South Asia: Postharvest handling, storage, processing, and use : Proceedings of a workshop held at CTCRI, Skeerariyam, Trivandrum, India, 9-13 September 1991. | sweetpotato plant production postharvest handling uses storage processing infestation starch separation diversification food industry food value curing varietal improvement crop improvement bacterial damage microbial damage | Dayal, T.R.; Scott, G.J.; Kurup, G.T.; Balagopalan, C. (eds.) |
book |
2409 | Sweetpotato utilization and the Agro Snack Food Industry in West Java, Indonesia. | sweetpotato production distribution marketing kremes sweetpotato flour - based snack food products sweetpotato products women participation wage time allocation | Indrasari, S.D.; Santosa, B.A.S.; Suismono; Wibono, P.; Narta; Wheatley, C.; Irfansyah |
book |
630 | Swidden agroecosystems in Sepone District Suvannakhet Province, Lao PDR: Report of the 1991 SUAN-EAFI-MAF Agroecosystems Research Workshop, Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR, 20 June - 2 July 1991. | agroecosystems labor organization | book |
14345 | Swidden-fallow agroforestry for sustainable land use in Southeast Asia | Swidden-fallow agroforestry; sustainable land use; policy; annual food crops; perennial vegetation | de Royer, Sebastian; Ratnamhin, Anantika; Wangpakapattanawong, Prasit |
book | world agroforestry centre policy brief no. 68 |
12413 | Swine commodity systems study in Cantho province, Vietnam. | swine commodity system swine raising pork consumption export slaughterhouses world trade marketing prices pork processing technology | Luu Tien Thuan |
theses |