List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7765 Sweet success in sweet pepper. sweet pepper, investment, fertilizer application,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

9958 Sweet success: 12 proven habits of winning leaders. leaders success

Byrd, Bill; Weeden, Larry K.


5519 Sweet tamarind production guide: Aglibut variety up for commercialization. tamarind, propagation, transplanting, intercropping, irrigation, fertilizer application, pruning, thinning, pest control, harvesting,

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

14329 Sweet, sweet wine: Deewan's dragon fruit artisan wine wine; dragon fruit

Malabed, Liliwa

serials agriculture magazine

14774 Sweetening the pot developing the market for palm and coconut sugar in Southeast Asia coconut sugar; palm sugar; market; demand; production; value chain; Indonesia; Philippines; Cambodia; Myanmar weblinks

1841 Sweetpotato in South Asia: Postharvest handling, storage, processing, and use : Proceedings of a workshop held at CTCRI, Skeerariyam, Trivandrum, India, 9-13 September 1991. sweetpotato plant production postharvest handling uses storage processing infestation starch separation diversification food industry food value curing varietal improvement crop improvement bacterial damage microbial damage

Dayal, T.R.; Scott, G.J.; Kurup, G.T.; Balagopalan, C. (eds.)


2409 Sweetpotato utilization and the Agro Snack Food Industry in West Java, Indonesia. sweetpotato production distribution marketing kremes sweetpotato flour - based snack food products sweetpotato products women participation wage time allocation

Indrasari, S.D.; Santosa, B.A.S.; Suismono; Wibono, P.; Narta; Wheatley, C.; Irfansyah


630 Swidden agroecosystems in Sepone District Suvannakhet Province, Lao PDR: Report of the 1991 SUAN-EAFI-MAF Agroecosystems Research Workshop, Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR, 20 June - 2 July 1991. agroecosystems labor organization book

14345 Swidden-fallow agroforestry for sustainable land use in Southeast Asia Swidden-fallow agroforestry; sustainable land use; policy; annual food crops; perennial vegetation

de Royer, Sebastian; Ratnamhin, Anantika; Wangpakapattanawong, Prasit

book world agroforestry centre policy brief no. 68

12413 Swine commodity systems study in Cantho province, Vietnam. swine commodity system swine raising pork consumption export slaughterhouses world trade marketing prices pork processing technology

Luu Tien Thuan
