List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11075 Sustainable agriculture, biotechnology and the small farmer. biotechnology sustainable agriculture small farmer integrated pest management genetic engineering papaya ringspot virus : PRSV genetically modified organisms : GMO gene transfer

Halos, Saturnina C.


1192 Sustainable agroindustrial development. consumption distribution enterprise capability



2944 Sustainable Coastal Resources for the Philippines (SCoRe). Integrated Coastal Management SCoRe coastal planning

Lange, Andreas; Barcelona, Andrea Lenonor; Dacles, Terence Paul


14772 Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP) - Case study cocoa; production; SCPP model; partnership; Indonesia

Heinz, Sebastian


9524 Sustainable Control of Helminth Parasites in the Tropics. helminth parasites worm control tropical Asia ruminants goat and sheep production nematode parasites anthelmintics (dewormers) cd

13746 Sustainable corn production in the Philippines agricultural productivity; sustainability indicators; corn production; models; fertilizer application; chemical application; labor utilization rates

Gonzales, Leonardo A.


1384 Sustainable development : Economics and environment in the third world. economic development environmental policy natural resources sustainable development capital stock discount rate cost benefit analysis watershed degradation forest management deforestation

Pearce, D.; Barbier, E.; Markandya, A.


10371 Sustainable development : Exploring the contradictions. sustainable development economic models environmental values sustainability environmental management social movements

Redclift, Michael


59 Sustainable development and governance: operationalizing sustainable development in Canada Canada sustainable development community development environmental policy economic policy

Conover, Shirley A.M.

book ermp reports no.28

5367 Sustainable development and the multiplicity of media. media, sustainable development,

Roxas, E.C.

serials tropical coasts