List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2200 Sustainable inland fisheries management in Bangladesh. community based fisheries management property rights inland fisheries participatory management flood control drainage irrigation systems multimedia carp stocking water quality floodplain fish biodiversity fishing gear fingerling stocking

Middendorp, Hans A.J.; Thompson, Paul M.; Pomeroy, Robert S. (eds.)


2947 Sustainable integrated management and planning for local government ecosystems (SIMPLE). land use planning sound territorial development trainer pool formation investment programming Zoning ordinance

Lange, Andreas; Astilla, Cecilia; Nuevas, Dolores


2603 Sustainable intensification of Rabi cropping in southern Bangladesh using wheat and mungbean. wheat production climate land availability fertilizer and water requirements plant breeding Rabi mungbean

Rawson, H.M (ed.)

book aciar technical reports no. 78

13140 Sustainable land management in Asia - Introducing the landscape approach agrobiodiversity; climate-smart agriculture; cross-slope barrier; forest management; landscape management technology; land management; soil conservation; ecosystems; agro-ecosystems; indigenous knowledge; land degradation; agroforestry; farming; water; land, carbon; agriculture; REDD plus; trees; sustainable agriculture; conservation agriculture; homegardens; investment; Asian Development Bank book

10151 Sustainable land management sourcebook. land use sustainable agriculture rural development land management global change rainfed farming poverty reduction highlands web-based tools natural resource management purch

1127 Sustainable land use systems in the Philippines: Some lessons learned sustainability land use Philippines

Sajise, Percy E.


1137 Sustainable land use systems in the Philippines: Some lessons learned Philippines Land use Farming systems Agroforestry Deforestation Highlands

Sajise, Percy E.


15451 Sustainable lifestyle challenge: A case from Norway Sustainable Lifestyle Challenge; food, footprint; zero-waste; cosmetics; fashion; water; environmental health; social justice; economic vitality; Norway

Kim Kwang-Hyun; Kim Ahhyeon; Kim Jiwon (eds.)

book eiu best practices series no. 62

2024 Sustainable livelihood for rural households: Contributions from rootcrop agriculture. rootcrops livelihood microenterprise development sustainable agriculture food security participatory research noodle processing networking home gardening nutrient management book

641 Sustainable livelihood options for the Philippines - An information kit - Coastal ecosystem livelihoods amatong fishing arong fishing salt production fish trapping gill--net fishing milkfish tilapia raising blue crab mudcrab lobster squid salted fish salt production shellcraft talaba sea cucumber eucheuma duck raising bakauan plantation tikog nipa production food processing book