List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14788 Technical guidelines for participatory village mapping exercise research; mapping; land use; land tenure; forest management; climate change

Boissiere, M.; Duchelle, A.E.; Atmadja, S.; Simonet, G.


14417 Technical guidelines for the safe movement of Musa germplasm Musa; banana; abaca; virus diseases; diagnostic protocols book

286 Technical manual on small-scale processing of fruits and vegetables processing fruits vegetables food technology small enterprises production costs fruit processing vegetable processing food preservation quality control sanitary standards operating costs investments marketing

Paltrinieri, G.; Figuerola, F.; Rojas, L.


2520 Technical report and manual of seed production of the climbing perch Anabas testudineus. Anabas testudineus climbing perch morphology biology broodstock sexual maturation egg collection hormone injection egg quantity egg incubation larval rearing Rotifer Brachionus zooplankton Artemia nauplii artificial diets larvae juveniles fin development cannibalism stocking density

Shinsuke Morioka; Kazutaka Sakiyama; Sayaka Ito; Bounsong Vongvichith

book jircas working report no. 61

16543 Technical study on pilot scale production of nickel pig iron from low-grade Philippine nickel laterite ores blast furnace technology; laterite; pig iron

Bitanga, Bernardo V.; Sajonas, Maria Luisa A.; Arnejo, Chris G.

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

15975 Technical study tour on social forestry to enhance capacity building through knowledge sharing of Malaysian delegates capacity building; study tour; Malaysia serials learning notes asrf series 2017-11

3135 Technical writing for publication in journals and for presentation. research paper writing problems journal graphs data interpreting oral presentation poster paper

Bautista, Ofelia K.; Rosario, Teresita L.; Bautista, Roberto K., Jr.


9929 Technical writing in the corporate world: Understanding, developing, and editing technical documents. technical writing correspondence reports proposals editing

Estrin, Herman A.; Eliot, Norbert


3455 Technical writing tips

Dizon, L.B.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

10120 Technical writing. technical writing effective communication business letters resume memorandum proposal minutes of meetings research paper thesis paper term paper numbers verbs adverbs

Ballesteros, Theresa F.
