List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11418 A budding partnership. biotechnology indigenous people : IPs modern farming techniques tribals minus one element technique leaf color chart Philippine Rice Research Institute agriculture Lumads Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines technology transfer Davao Matigsalog Manobo Datu Edgardo Laidan Datu Mampudya tribespeople poverty

Gevera, Mai B.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

9871 A carrot a day: A daily dose of recognition for your employees. incentive awards employee motivation employee retention

Gostick, Adrian; Elton, Chester


8170 A case study comparing the learning of Mathematics among Malay pupils in primary national schools and primary national type schools (Chinese). mathematics malay pupils national schools

Kheng, Lim S.; Boi, Chan T.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

11649 A case study of Bankhai Agricultural Cooperative Limited. Bankhai Agricultural Cooperative cooperative Thailand

Suchin Pleehajinda


11662 A case study of the Nhong-wa Village Agricultural Project. Nhong-wa Village Agricultural Project Thailand

Borpit Bootpetch


84 A case study on the compilation of natural resource accounts in the Philippines. Philippines fishery resources forest resources mineral resources book enra report no. 1

12043 A cashew commodity system study in Thailand. agribusiness management cashew commodity system Thailand

Chumpol Chantabha


7701 A cautionary note on the interpretation of unit labor costs as an indicator of competitiveness, with reference to the Philippines. unit labor cost competitiveness income distribution

Felipe, Jesus

serials philippine journal of development

14518 A century-old farm in Benguet endures farm; blue potato; cherry blossoms; Sakura Park; Benguet

Taculao, Patricia Bianca S.

serials agriculture magazine

7743 A cheap formula for soil conditioning. soil conditioning nitrogen enhancing agent molasses cow dung

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine