List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3920 A 5 1/2-yr study on the incidence of slug caterpillars on coconuts in Agusan del Norte, Philippines. Coconut slug caterpillar Parasa philepida pests of plants damage assessment

Escalona, R.T.; Abad, R.G.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

5314 A 55-kD Calcium dependent protein kinase phosphorylated Thr residues from the auto-regulatory domain of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in rice. ATPase activity cold stress plasma membrane phosphorylation

Tetsuya Ookura; Setsuko Komatsu; Yukio Kawamura; Kunihiro Kasamo

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

9412 A baseline study on livelihood initiatives among women entrepreneurs in Real, Infanta, and General Nakar (RelNa) in the province of Quezon. women entrepreneurs livelihood enterprise entrepreneurship micro-enterprise

Africa, Leila S.; Maneja, Charina P.; Gonzales, Pamela A.; Castañeda, Ana B.; Lalap, Belinda A.; Miranda, Marcelina C.; Moredo, Peter Jayson A.

serials journal of human ecology

2737 A baseline survey of sub-national government: Towards a better understanding of decentralisation and deconcentration in Cambodia : Special Report 12. Special Report 12. decentralization local government

Sreang, Chheat; Pide, Lun; Sedara, Kim; Seiha, Heng; Sethea, Sok; Nareth, Chhoun


2773 A basic consumer price index for Cambodia 1993-2009. consumer price index markets

Carpenter, Keith; Dorina, Pon

book cdri working paper series no. 67

14424 A basket full of options for sustainable banana production in Asia and the Pacific: A manual for banana growers and extension workers bananas; nursery; site selection; irrigation; fertilization; mulching; weed management; desuckering; sanitation; pest and diseases management; harvesting; marketing; products

Van den Bergh, Inge; Molina, Agustin B.


816 A beginner's sourcebook on Philippine rattan rattan, harvesting, plant production, treatment, furniture industry, fertilizer application, weeding, mulching, plant protection, book

2455 A better place to work: Safety, health and productivity: Action manual for workers. materials storage and handling work-station design machine safety hazardous substances lighting welfare facilities premises work organization book

10853 A better understanding of maize streak virus. biotechnology maize Kenya Rockefeller maize streak virus

Njuguna, Jackson

biotech isaaa briefs no. 15

7186 A big jatropha project in Negros Occidental. jatropha projects Negros Occidental

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine