List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6902 15N-aided studies on effects on maize and balance sheets of different forms of N fertilizer. balance sheet ion absorption nutrient distribution maize N fertilizer recovery

Amnat Suwanarit; Nualchavee Roongtanakiat; Jarong Rungchuang; Somporn Thongdaeng

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

551 15th PCARRD pre-anniversary symposium: Theme: Strengthening Regional Research Management; and Los Banos Science Community Awarding Ceremony Research fungus biological control natural resources book book series no.74/1988

2493 1983 Rice Germplasm Conservation Workshop. rice conservation genetic resources germplasm seed preservation book

10336 1998-1999 World resources: A guide to global environment. environmental change human health global environment trends economic indicators population development human development food production agriculture forests land cover health water urban indicators biodiversity atmosphere climate energy

World Resources Institute; United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Development Programme; World Bank


724 19th Asian rice farming systems working group meeting : Report of the Asian-Rice Farming System Working Group, 11-15 November 1988. Report of the Asian-Rice Farming System Working Group, 11-15 November 1988. Farming systems agricultural systems cropping systems multiple cropping system rice sustainable agriculture extension research linkages farmers participation impact assessment book

15775 1st DL Umali Award Lecture - A path to agricultural development agricultural development; agro ecosystems analysis; integrated natural resource management; ARD

Vo-Tong Xuan


9688 1st National Conference on Climate Change Adaptation : A2C2. climate change global warming biological system climate hazards cd

9728 1st SEAMEO Education Congress. cd

6334 2 awards in a row for PhilRice scientist. scientist awards Antonio Alfonso

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

8743 2 Cagayano Bt corn farmers and their advantage. Bt corn crop

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine