List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11410 'No barriers for an inquiring mind'. biotechnology First Gawad Galing for Biotech Journalism scientific investigation sustained reportage genetically modified organisms Melody M. Aguiba, Manila Bulletin, 1st Prize Rocel C. Felix, The Philippine Star, 2nd Prize Rhodina J. Villanueva, Today, 3rd Prize mass media investigative journalism

Fernandez, Lourdes

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11492 'Omics' sciences: Genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics biotechnology, genetically modified crops, chromosome, DNA, gene, genome, genotype, metabolome, phenotype, metabolomics, proteomics, genomics, RNA, proteome, biotech pocket k

11413 'Simple' techniques in agricultural development. biotechnology agriculture development productivity management water use agricultural crops agricultural bureaucrat organic fertilizer integrated pest management Domingo Panganiban

Paredes, Joel C.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11344 'Use biotech to end poverty'. environmental production health World Health Organization (WHO) Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety risk assessment GM crops anthropogenic forces ecosystems sustainable management climate change water management tropical agriculture therapeutic diagnostic antiretroviral medicines soil nutrients agroforestry oral rehydration therapies antimalarial bed nets immunizations vaccines food production Green revolution agriculture food security agricultural jobs agribusiness investment agricultural importations economic development food production science-for-development poverty agriculture

Yap, Arthur C.

biotech bioliffe: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

1152 (Un) Sustainable development and social (in) security sustainable development sustainability indicators

Sajise, Percy E.


16527 1. Beyond politics: The private governance to climate change climate change; governance; private sectors

Vandenberg, Michael P.; Gilligan, Jonathan M.


1210 10 Best businesses in the next 10 years. economic projections business opportunities markets

Damaso, Jimeno M.


5753 10 Steps to successful hybrid corn production. hybrid corn production land preparation fertilizer application irrigation cultivation insect control disease control harvesting drying serials agriculture magazine

16653 10 ways to keep your hog farm ASF-free African Swine Fever; swine farms; biosecurity protocols; animal diseases; animal health; feed supply

Ocampo, Cel Cadahing

serials agriculture magazine

1465 100 Years of Philippine fisheries and marine science. fishing industry, aquaculture, inland fisheries, marine science, lakes, species, Philippines, book