List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14605 20th National Student-Faculty Conference on the Statistical Sciences: Innovation in Data Analytics using Diverse Data Sources, 1 Oct 2019 - Conference Proceedings crime cases; youth unemployment rate; inflated count data; overdispersion; ZkIP distribution; excessive counts; immunohistochemical factor; clinical factor; lung adenocarcinoma patients; non-smokers; Philippines book

10505 21st century trends, issues and challenges in Philippine education. education higher education cyberspace licensure examination academic entrepreneurship teacher institutional accreditation sustainable development intellectual property rights total quality management

Colinares, Nilo E. (Compiler and Editor)


10413 21st century trends, issues and challenges in Philippine education. education higher education cyberspace licensure examination academic entrepreneurship total quality management institutional accreditation educational service contracting teachers intellectual property rights migrants educators

Colinares, Nilo E. (Compiler and Editor)


2795 21st National Research Symposium: Proceedings. carpospores seaweeds Kappaphycus striatum anthracnose twister Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Gibberella moniliformis foot-and-mouth disease virus machine vision milled rice quality sweetpotato weevil Cylas formicarius jackfruit fruit fly yams mungbean aquaculture infrastructure developments corn technology carabao dairy enterprises cooperative development coconut-based technologies community-based organizations vegetables book

15395 21st-century skills for language teachers towards alpha generation development in the digital era 21st-century skills; language teachers; Alpha Generation; digital era

Siagian, E. N.

serials journal of southeast asian education

10950 24th Regional Alumni Inst. symposium on the public health implications of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). biotechnology, genetically modified organims : GMOs, health, medicine, food safety, risk management, gene revolution, insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, biotech

5965 25 years of pioneering in hybrid seed production. seed production eggplants tomatoes peppers cucumbers East West Seeds

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

5782 26,000 Pinoys benefit from SE Asian center's programs. SEARCA training programs degree programs human resource development serials agriculture magazine

9528 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists. cd

3109 26th National Research Symposium : Agriculture and Fisheries R&D: Facing the Challenges of Agricultural Landscape for Sustainable Development. Agriculture and Fisheries R&D: Facing the Challenges of Agricultural Landscape for Sustainable Development. Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act applied research book