List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8594 DOST ceramic water filters rolled out nationwide. ceramic water filters

Conoza, Violy Balaoing

serials agriculture magazine

13355 DOST Cordillera launches program on climate adaptation climate change; DOST-CAR; SAFE Program; disaster risk reduction

De Guzman, Rodolfo P.

serials agriculture magazine

12980 DOST eyes salt industry enhancement in Occidental Mindoro using new technology DOST salt industry salt production salt DOST-ITDI salt production technology

Verdey, Athena Colline L.; Abilay, Ma. Josefina P.

serials agriculture magazine

9405 DOST helps farmer succeed in organic food production. ecologically sound farming organic rice nature farm Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program organic products

Guno, Ritchie Mae L.

serials agriculture magazine

9358 DOST helps restore wood treatment plant. Denik Wood Enterprise wood treatment pallets

Araral, Rizalina K.

serials agriculture magazine

5127 DOST kiln dryer for curing onions. kiln dryer onions serials forest products technoflow series 8

12924 DOST launches book of stories on R & D coffee table book Bridge

Marfal, Allan Mauro V.

serials agriculture magazine

6136 DOST licenses first private sector CME producer. coco methyl ester diesel fuel additive coconut biofuels vehicles

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

9022 DOST offers solar power charging system to clients. solar power science and technology renewable energy carbon dioxide emissions serials agriculture magazine

12853 DOST Program lifts agri-co-op from ruins of 'Yolanda' cooperative grant-in-aid (GAP) funding common service facility (CSF) pineapple products

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine