List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12495 Diversity studies of lichens in Barangay Lake Duminagat, Malindang Range, Don Victoriano, Misamis Occidental. biodiversity lichens lichens species diversity density species diversity Philippines

Mahilum, Fe L.


15685 Diversity, physiological and morphological attributes of indigenous tropical tree species for rehabilitation, climate change adaptation and mitigation of Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape Guioa koelreuteria; Tarrietia sylvatica; Anisoptera thurifera; Syzygium malaccense; Shorea astylosa; Pterocarpus indicus; Alahan; Dungon; Palosapis; Yakal; Narra; Syzygium; forest rehabilitation; forest trees; carbon sequestration; diversity analyses; indigenous seedlings; diversity; survival; morphological measurement; biodiversity; conservation

Palomar, Joseph Angelus F.


3938 Diving sites, coral reefs and coral bleaching in the Philippines. Diving sites coral bleaching coral reefs Contingent valuation method

Mamiit, Rusyan Jill E.; Francisco, Herminia A.

serials journal of environmental science and management

10902 DNA fingerprinting of minisatelite sequences in rice. genetic mapping rice DNA fingerprinting genomic variations linkage maps minisatelites

Gustafson, J.P.; Yano, M.


11070 DNA marker technologies : Principles, methods and applications. biotechnology genetic engineering gene mapping DNA technology biodiversity transgenic crops capacity building food safety biosafety

Hautea, D.M.; Balatero, H.


5212 DNA marker-aided selection and evaluation of IR64, PSB Rc14 and BPI RI-10 for resistance to bacterial leaf blight. backcrossing bacterial leaf blight DNA marker-aided selection Oryza minuta pyramiding RAPD markers rice BPI Ri-10 IR64

Tabien, R.E.; Abalos, M.C.; Fernando, M.P.; Corpuz, E.R.; Dimaano, Y.A.; Osoteo, G.M.; San Gabriel, R.C.

serials philippine journal of crop science

4214 DNA markers ... with a twist for improved bean breeding. marker-assisted selection DNA markers beans virus-resistant gene

Suszkiw, J.

serials agriculture

6541 DNA methylation differences in the genes responded to photoperiod in rice cultivar KDML 105. DNA methylation photoperiod rice KDML 105 AFLP

Surin Peyachoknagul; Wirat Pipatpongpinyo; Pradit Pongtongkam; Amara Thongpan; Lily Kaveeta; Poontariga Harinasut

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6484 DNA Sequences of Ca2+-ATPase Gene in Rice KDML 105. KDML 105 cDNA Ca2+-ATPase gene DNA sequences

Sakonwan Prasitwilaii; Sripan Pradermwong; Amara Thongpan; Mingkwan Mingmuang

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8797 Do FDI inflows have positive spillover effects? The case of the Philippine manufacturing industry. foreign direct investment manufacturing industry

Aldaba, Rafaelita M.; Aldaba, Fernando T.

serials philippine journal of development