ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12495 | Diversity studies of lichens in Barangay Lake Duminagat, Malindang Range, Don Victoriano, Misamis Occidental. | biodiversity lichens lichens species diversity density species diversity Philippines | Mahilum, Fe L. |
theses |
15685 | Diversity, physiological and morphological attributes of indigenous tropical tree species for rehabilitation, climate change adaptation and mitigation of Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape | Guioa koelreuteria; Tarrietia sylvatica; Anisoptera thurifera; Syzygium malaccense; Shorea astylosa; Pterocarpus indicus; Alahan; Dungon; Palosapis; Yakal; Narra; Syzygium; forest rehabilitation; forest trees; carbon sequestration; diversity analyses; indigenous seedlings; diversity; survival; morphological measurement; biodiversity; conservation | Palomar, Joseph Angelus F. |
theses |
3938 | Diving sites, coral reefs and coral bleaching in the Philippines. | Diving sites coral bleaching coral reefs Contingent valuation method | Mamiit, Rusyan Jill E.; Francisco, Herminia A. |
serials | journal of environmental science and management |
10902 | DNA fingerprinting of minisatelite sequences in rice. | genetic mapping rice DNA fingerprinting genomic variations linkage maps minisatelites | Gustafson, J.P.; Yano, M. |
biotech |
11070 | DNA marker technologies : Principles, methods and applications. | biotechnology genetic engineering gene mapping DNA technology biodiversity transgenic crops capacity building food safety biosafety | Hautea, D.M.; Balatero, H. |
biotech |
5212 | DNA marker-aided selection and evaluation of IR64, PSB Rc14 and BPI RI-10 for resistance to bacterial leaf blight. | backcrossing bacterial leaf blight DNA marker-aided selection Oryza minuta pyramiding RAPD markers rice BPI Ri-10 IR64 | Tabien, R.E.; Abalos, M.C.; Fernando, M.P.; Corpuz, E.R.; Dimaano, Y.A.; Osoteo, G.M.; San Gabriel, R.C. |
serials | philippine journal of crop science |
4214 | DNA markers ... with a twist for improved bean breeding. | marker-assisted selection DNA markers beans virus-resistant gene | Suszkiw, J. |
serials | agriculture |
6541 | DNA methylation differences in the genes responded to photoperiod in rice cultivar KDML 105. | DNA methylation photoperiod rice KDML 105 AFLP | Surin Peyachoknagul; Wirat Pipatpongpinyo; Pradit Pongtongkam; Amara Thongpan; Lily Kaveeta; Poontariga Harinasut |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6484 | DNA Sequences of Ca2+-ATPase Gene in Rice KDML 105. | KDML 105 cDNA Ca2+-ATPase gene DNA sequences | Sakonwan Prasitwilaii; Sripan Pradermwong; Amara Thongpan; Mingkwan Mingmuang |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
8797 | Do FDI inflows have positive spillover effects? The case of the Philippine manufacturing industry. | foreign direct investment manufacturing industry | Aldaba, Rafaelita M.; Aldaba, Fernando T. |
serials | philippine journal of development |