ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1069 | Direct use of the sun's energy | Solar energy Solar radiation Cooking Solar furnaces Distillation water Heat engines Photovoltaic Photochemical Refrigeration Heating | Daniels, Farrington |
book |
127 | Directions in economic development | paradigms economic development technology developing countries | Jameson, Kenneth P.; Wilber, Charles K. |
book |
15738 | Directory of agricultural information resources of selected Southeast Asian countries | crops; directory; agricultural information resources; agriculture; soil science; fisheries; plant pathology | Rillo, Alicia H.; Dayao, Benefa M. |
book |
2857 | Directory of common service facilities for micro, small, and medium enterprises. | machinery and equipment raw materials product research development storage warehousing skills training | book |
777 | Directory of crop germplasm collections: 2. Root and tuber crops | Araceae Cassava Potatoes Sweet potatoes Yams Germplasm Collections | Lawrence, T.; Toll, J.; van Sloten, D.H. |
book |
13837 | Disaster preparedness and local governance in the Philippines | disaster preparedness; policies; local government units; governance; climate change; funds; disaster risk reduction and management | Domingo, Sonny N.; Manejar, Arvie Joy A. |
weblinks |
15184 | Disaster prevention and GCED | disaster prevention; education; global citizenship; COVID-19 | Yoshiyasu Ida |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
16608 | Disaster response and sustainable transitions in agrifood systems | disasters; catastrophes; sustainability transitions; alternative food niches | Ransom, Elizabeth |
weblinks | agriculture and human values |
16643 | Discover the ‘Laura’ Hami melon | melon; fruit; variety; Hami melons | serials | agriculture magazine |
6236 | Discovering "Lost Eden". | BioResearch educational and recreational park butterfly farm | Guerrero III, Rafael D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |