ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10635 | Discovering biological psychology. | nervous system psychopharmacology genetics sensation and perception movement learning and memory intelligence neurological disorders psychological disorders | Freberg, Laura A. |
purch |
15771 | Discovering new roads to development - Volume 1: The environmental resource management connection | environmental regulation; solid waste management; environmental services; oil palm; CBFM project | Torres, Cleofe S.; Abrina, Anna Floresca F.; Patricio, Jose Hermis P.; Seinn Lei Aye; Pasa, Arturo E. |
book |
15772 | Discovering new roads to development - Volume 2: Lowland agricultural technologies | good agricultural practice; irrigation practices; mallard ducks; carabao mango; DNR | Conejos, Jay Ronel V.; Ketin, Suwisar; Son, Ngo Thanh; Mali Code, Carlito De Araújo; Aye, Thanda |
book |
15773 | Discovering new roads to development - Volume 3: Coastal ecosystems technologies | farming system; coastal ecosystems; genetic diversity; poultry by-product meal; Macrobrachium rosenbergii; Asian sea bass; corals; fish; DNR | Hoang Hai Thanh; See Leng Min; Cabili, Tito M.; Nugraha, Wahyu A.; Manuel-Ocampo, Josefina N. |
book |
15774 | Discovering new roads to development - Volume 4: Climate change adaptation, mitigation, and resilience | climate change; flood risk reduction; carbon sequestration; tillage systems; mitigation; adaptation; resilience | Cardente II, Thomas L.; Salang, Eriberto D.; Xayxan, Bounxou; Sitanggang, Imas Sukaesih; Ha Anh, Hoang; Ha, Quyen Dinh |
book |
5197 | Discovery and re-discovery of wild rice populations in the Philippines. | Oryza meyeriana Oryza officinalis wild rice distribution Aklan Nueva Vizcaya Occidental Mindoro Palawan Puerto Princesa Surigao del Sur Philippines | Bon, S.G.; Borromeo, T.H. |
serials | philippine journal of crop science |
4560 | Discrimination among Japanese species of the Orius flower bugs (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) based on PCR-RFLP of the nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs. | biotechnology natural enemies bugs species identification cytochrome oxidase Orius strigicollis Orius minutus Orius tantillus Orius nagaii Orius sauteri | Masahiko Muraji; Kenjiro Kawasaki; Toru Shimizu; Takashi Noda |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
7429 | Discussion of Data on the Killing by Cold of Fruit Fly Larvae in Mangosteens. | guarantine policy (fresh fruit) logit model statistical robustness | T.P. Hutchinson |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
8163 | Discussion on the basic ideas underlying the revision of the elementary school course of study in science in Japan. | elementary science Japan | Shinohara, Fumihiko |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
10820 | Disease management in maize. | maize disease management crop management Zea mays biodiversity maize production | Frederiksen, R.A. |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 9 |