List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13051 Disease survey of rice in Lao PDR and control of sheath diseases rice diseases sheath blight pathogens Trichoderma molecular identification

Pinkham Vongphachanh


12940 Disease-free potatoes from research center rapid multiplication Igorota potato potato growing

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

6326 Disease-resistant abaca propagated outside laboratory. abaca clonal propagation corm

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

11866 Diseases caused by Phythium spp. on selected crops grown under hydroponic culture system and their control agricultural science Phythium spp crops hydroponic culture system

Chin Chiew Lan


859 Diseases of field crops. plant diseases cereals grasses legumes tobacco flax cotton peanut soybean clover

Dickson, J.G.


15926 Disentangling the effects of maternal employment on child stunting in the Philippines child stunting; maternal employment; education; Phillippines

Laput, Joseph Glenn J.; Go, Gerard L.

serials philippine journal of development (pjd)

9001 Disinfectant wipes out fungus on fish eggs. disinfectant fungus fish eggs saprolegniasis catfish parasites paracetic acid

Avant, Sandra

serials agriculture magazine

14951 Displaced events professional turns to farming after the closure of his business farming; cultivators; crops

Medenilla, Vina

serials agriculture magazine

15262 Disseminating open and distance learning through massive open online courses in Southeast Asia open online courses; distance learning; massive open online courses; national trends; educational development; higher education; policies; technological applications; advantages; digital class; issues; challenges; Southeast Asia

SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC)

serials journal of southeast asian education

5194 Dissipation and mobility of butachlor and pretilachlor in broadcast-seeded wetland rice. bioassay butachlor dissipation herbicide residue pretilachlor herbicides

Ramirez, A.H.M.; Paller, E.C.c

serials philippine journal of crop science