ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14711 | Diet diversity and nutritional status of 2 to 5 years old children in households with and without home gardens in selected districts in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia | home garden; diet diversity score; nutritional status; children; malnutrition; food security; nutritional assessment; Cambodia | Sek Liny |
theses |
13027 | Diet formulation strategies and determination of optimal ratios of standardized ileal digestible amino acids in broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) from 1 to 14 days of age | amino acids diet formulation strategies broiler production | Nguyen Duoc Truong |
theses |
4055 | Dietary changes in the abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, and relationship with the development of the digestive organ. | aquaculture feeding growth nutrition abalone survival | Takami, Hideki; Kawamura, Tomohiko |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
8046 | Dietary exposure assessment for aflatoxin B1 from processed peanut products in municipality of Bogor. | dietary exposure assessment aflatoxin B1 processed peanut products | Ambarwati, Santi; Dharmaputra, Okky S.; Retnowati, Ina |
serials | biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology |
12652 | Dietary exposure assessment of antibiotic residues in pork consumed in the Philippines. | dietary exposure antibiotic residues pork risks food consumption | Venn Vutey |
theses |
12200 | Dietary intake, health perception, and health practices of the elderly in selected barangays of Bay, Laguna | dietary intake nutritional status health practices elderly barangays Bay Laguna applied nutrition | Santiago, Concepcion de Jesus |
theses |
4789 | Dietary phytase: An ideal approach for a cost effective and low-polluting aquafeed. | phytase nutrient utilization growth phosphorus protein digestibility aquaculture pollution | Baruah, K.; Sahu, N.P.; Pal, A.K.; Debnath, D. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
12359 | Diffenetial gene expression of the enzymes of galactomannan degradation in the developing endosperms of normal and makapuno coconut (Cocos nucifera). | genetics coconut : Cocos nucifera makapuno | Diaz, Maria Genaleen Q. |
theses |
7507 | Difference in Yield and Growth of Soybean Cultivar S.J.4 when planted at Khon Kaen and Kamphaeng Saen using Different planting Dates and Plant : Population Densities. | Population Densities. | soybean serial sowing dates plant populations phenology dry matter production | Aphiphan Pookpakdi; Harisadee Pataradilok; Suwit Laohasiriwong; Adisak Suwitawatch |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
8872 | Differences in necromass and carbon and nitrogen contents between node and intermode material of dead bamboo culms in two Phyllostachys species. | necromass carbon nitrogen bamboo culms phyllostachys | Shin Ugawa; Satoru Miura; Shinji Kaneko |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |