ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10811 | Diagnosing maize diseases in Latin America | biotechnology, transgenic, maize, disease management, | biotech | isaaa briefs no. 9 |
10812 | Diagnosing maize diseases with proprietary biotechnology applications transferred from pioneer hi-bred international to Brazil and Latin America : Introduction and overview. | biotechnology maize Brazil disease management Latin America | Krattiger, A.; Casela, Carlos R.; R. Renfro (eds.) |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 9 |
1005 | Diagnosis and epidemiology of foot and mouth disease in Southeast Asia : Proceedings of an international workshop held at Lampang, Thailand, September 6-9, 1993 | animal diseases Foot and mouth disease buffaloes vaccines diagnosis disease control antibodies vaccination information systems Thailand | Copland, J.W.; Gleeson, I.J.; Chanpen Chamnanpood (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.51 |
1336 | Diagnosis of honey bee diseases. | bacterial diseases fungal diseases protozoan diseases viral diseases pests honey bees mites | Hachiro Shimanuki; Knox, David A. |
book | agriculture handbook number 690 |
6754 | Diagnosis on Thai agrarian systems for research prioritization to improve the sustainability and competitiveness of cotton production. | cotton sustainability production systems IPM Thailand | Jean-Christophe Castella; Guy Trebuil; Yves Crozat |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6268 | Diagnostic kit makes insect pest identification easier. | insect pest integrated pest management | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7523 | Diagnostic Studies on the Resistance to Pyrethroid Insecticides in American Bollworm (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Strain from Western Thailand. | cotton insecticides resistance LD 50 helicoverpa armigera | Henri Caron; Jean-Paul Genay; Pornpan Pooprompan |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
11051 | Diagnostics. | biotechnology DNA technology enzymology mono/polyclonal antibody | biotech |
8111 | Diagrammatic problem representations as an aid to chemistry problem-solving. | chemistry problem-solving | Trigwell, Keith; Wilson, Audrey |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
13749 | Dial 'n' for nutrition? A landscape analysis of what we know about m-nutrition, m-agriculture and m-development | nutrition; breastfeed; agriculture; water; sanitation; health; health behavior change; mobile technology; mobile phones; smartphones; gender; farmers; household economics; finance | Barnett, Inka; Scott, Nigel; Batchelor, Simon; Haddad, Lawrence |
book | ids working paper no. 481, 2016 |