ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2250 | Development of early-warning systems for mitigating the risk caused by climate disasters through technological enhancement of resource monitoring .. : Proceedings of the Workshop on Japan-China Collaborative Research Project. | Proceedings of the Workshop on Japan-China Collaborative Research Project. | remote sensing geographic information system rapid mapping method drought natural disasters fishes rice growth model early warning system crop models data sharing | Satoshi Uchida; Osamu Koyama (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 44 |
10071 | Development of environment statistics in developing Asian and Pacific countries. | environmental data collection land use deforestation soil degradation water resources water quality urban air pollution greenhouse gases human settlements | purch |
5232 | Development of fish strip from hybrid Clarias catfish surimi fortified with Konjac flour. | hybrid Clarias catfish fish strip surimi Konjac flour snack foods foods | Chotpradit, B.; Chaiyawat, M.; Raksakulthai, N. |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
8446 | Development of fruit and shoot borer-resistant eggplant in the Philippines. | eggplant fruit and shoot borer vegetables | serials | agriculture magazine |
7343 | Development of Fruit Ripening Room. | fruit ripening ripening facilities | Bundit Jarimopas; Prayouth Suwanchewakorn; Suradej Jakkokesung |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7880 | Development of gap and traceability system for greening the food chain in Taiwan. | food safety traceability third-party audit | Hu, Jong I. |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 592 |
5137 | Development of glue-laminated bamboo and bamboo-wood combination for structural uses. | bamboos strength properties glue shear bamboo-wood laminates Gmelina arborea | Alipon, M.A.; Fidel, M.M.; Espiloy, Z.B.; Bondad, E.O.; Cayabyab, P.C. |
serials | fprdi journal |
3495 | Development of in-situ soil water measurement by heat-probe method | Soil testing Soil water content Soil water balance | Tatsuaki Kasubuchi |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6415 | Development of Instant Fried Noodles Made from Composite Flour of Wheat and Sweet Potato Flours. | instant fried noodle texture sweet potato flour total dietary fiber antioxidant activity | Suparat Reungmaneepaitoon |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
4001 | Development of instructional materials in business communication: An action learning. | business communication action learning instructional materials Philippines | Cubillas, E.P.; Abellanosa, JA.G. |
serials | cmu journal of science |