ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1608 | Development and management of cities : networking and cooperation. | networking and cooperation. | Cities networking urban development global development | book |
13168 | Development and management of forest plantations: A guidebook 2010 edition | seed technology; seed quality; seed sources; seed collection; phenology; seed extraction; seed drying; storage; seed health testing; nursery establishment; plantation establishment; direct seeding; pests and diseases; marketing | book |
917 | Development and management of forest plantations: a guidebook | species site requirements seed technology nursery establishment seed storage planting stocks plantation management outplanting direct seeding | book |
13180 | Development and management of milkfish broodstock | milkfish; broodstock management; biology; growing; transport; spawning; egg collection; packing | Reyes, Ofelia S.; de Jesus-Ayson, Evelyn Grace T.; Eullaran, Bernardita E.; Corre, Valeriano L. Jr.; Ayson, Felix G. |
book | aquaculture extension manual no. 62 |
347 | Development and operation of agricultural insurance schemes in Asia | Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand agricultural insurances scheme crop insurance livestock insurance | book |
4561 | Development and utilization of a new mechanized cabbage harvesting system for large fields. | agricultural machinery harvester trailer system ergonomics upland agriculture cabbage harvesting system | Mitsuru Hachiya; Tetsuro Amano; Makoto Yamagata; Makoto Kojima |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
4044 | Development and utilization of narrow-ditch type pasture renovator. | agricultural machinery grassland renovation tilling overseeding rotary tilling device farm equipment | Yamana, Nobuki Kamei, Masahiro; Hirata, Akira; Hayashi, Kazunobu; Takeuchi, Yoshikuni; Hirokane, Nobuo |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
8098 | Development and validation of the first learning environment scale for Filipino. | Filipinos environment scale | Rivera, Thelma A.; Ganaden, Mildred S. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
10251 | Development communication praxis. | development communication theories film making needs assessment transformational communication advertisements information and communication technology knowledge management information networks | Flor, Alexander G. |
purch |
10434 | Development communication sourcebook: Broadening the boundaries of communication. | communication economic development development communication monitoring and evaluation poverty reduction community radio disaster management video participatory communication social change Kenya Ghana Sri Lanka | Mefalopulos, Paolo |
purch |