ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16164 | Determinants of climate change adaptive behavior in coastal communities in Southeast Asia | autonomous adaptation; climate change; coastal erosion; multivariate probit; saltwater intrusion; sea level rise | Sajise, Asa Jose U.; Ramirez, Paul Joseph B.; Perez, Maripaz L.; Arias, Jaimie Kim B.; Zamora, Glaiza J. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
14011 | Determinants of climate smart agriculture adoption in selected regions of Vietnam | climate smart agriculture; farmers adoption; water-saving techniques; stress tolerance varieties; rice farming; Vietnam | Tran Nhat Lam Duyen |
theses |
12277 | Determinants of competition between hedgerow and alley species in a countour hedgerow intercropping systems | forestry Cassia spectabilis Gliricidia sepium Pennisetum purpureum hedgerow alley species alley cropping system hedgerow intercropping systems | Solera, Carlito R. |
theses |
16282 | Determinants of crop choices by Bangladeshi farmers: A bivariate probit analysis | diversified cropping system; farmers; crop choices; Bangladesh | Rahman, Sanzidur |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
16188 | Determinants of demand for fertilizer: A case for India | agriculture; demand; fertilizer; productivity; subsidy; India | Chakraborty, Kalyan |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
3023 | Determinants of flash flood evacuation choices and assessment of preferences for flash floods warning channels : The case study of Thailand. | flash floods households torrential rains disaster warning behavioral responses warning channels flash flood evacuation | Kannika Thampanishvong |
book |
15767 | Determinants of food security of some vulnerable rural households in the Central Dry Zone, Myanmar | vulnerable rural households; coping strategy; food security status; Central Dry Zone; Myanmar | Theingi Myint; Hnin Yu Lwin; Thuzar Linn; Ye Mon Aung |
book |
12584 | Determinants of global competitiveness of the coffee industry in Lao PDR. | coffee industry production consumption export world price government policies taxes tariffs organic fertilizer integrated pest management storage methods coffee mills Lao PDR | Linglong Sithixay |
theses |
12538 | Determinants of global competitiveness of the dry bean industry in Myanmar. | dry beans export competitiveness domestic consumption domestic production exchange rate comparative advantage Myanmar | Wah Wah Htun |
theses |
2580 | Determinants of household decisions on adaptation to extreme climate events in Southeast Asia. | climate change typhoons floods household adaptation | Francisco, H.A.; Predo, C.D.; Manasboonphempool, A.; Tran, P.; Jarungrattanapong, R.; The, B.D.; Peñalba, L. |
book | eepsea research report no. 2011-rr5 |