List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6340 Deodorize pig manure with Fedgrozyme. pig manure odor

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

2171 Dependence of selected indigenous people on non-wood forest products and their sustainable practices : A case study. indigenous people non timber forest products Alangan Mangyans rattan livelihood Agta Dumagats anahaw wild orchids Batak-Tagbanuas honey almaciga resin income sustainable practices

Baja-Lapis, Aida


15489 Deployment of artificial habitats alone cannot make up for the degradation of coral reefs (Policy Brief) artificial habitats; coral reefs; fisheries management; fish recruitment; coral settlement

Bahinting, Sandra Enn D.; Mostrales, Thea Philea I.; Principe, Alexis S.; Licuanan, Wilfredo Y.

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

7924 Depot stability of locally injected ammonium and effect on the metabolism of spring wheat. wheat ammonium injection depot stability N metabolism nitrate reductase glutamine synthethase yield yield components

Hartmann, Ute M.; Schittenhelm, Siegfried

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

7973 Derivation of TAN related ammonia emission factors in pig production. emission emission factor ammonia pigs

Dammgen, Ulrich; Haenel, Hans D.; Rosemann, Claus; Menden, Brigitte E.; Dohler, Helmut

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

4942 Description and analysis of the protected area system in the Philippines. Biodiversity protected areas legal framework conservation projects

Bugna, Sahlee C.; Blastique, Tess

serials asean biodiversity

819 Descriptors for Brassica campestris L. root shape pests leaf margin seedling book

848 Descriptors for citrus Citrus stress susceptibility pests diseases biochemical composition cytological characters book

828 Descriptors for groundnut Groundnuts Classification Identification Documentation book

844 Descriptors for papaya Carica papaya alloenzyme pests diseases stress susceptibility cytological characters book