List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2770 Decentralised governance in a hybrid polity: Localisation of decentralisation reform in Cambodia. government policy decentralization deconcentration

Seiha, Heng; Sedara, Kim; Sokbunthoeun, So

book cdri working paper series no. 63

2769 Decentralised governance of irrigation water in Cambodia: Matching principles to local realities. irrigation governance service fee

Chou, Chea; Phirun, Nang; Whitehead, Isabelle; Hirsch, Phillip; Thompson, Anna

book cdri working paper series no. 62

1034 Decentralization and resource taxation for coastal fishery management coastal fisheries fishery resources resource management taxation policy reforms exploitation Philippines

Cruz, Wilfrido D.

book department of economics discussion paper series no.88-05

2056 Decentralizing natural resources management: Emerging lessons from ICRAF collaboration in Southeast Asia. forest management decentralization community-based forest management SANREM Landcare landcare conservation team Claveria Landcare Association conservation farming

Lai, Chun K.; Catacutan, Delia C.; Mercado, Agustin R. Jr.


2894 Deciphering the scriptures on Philippine Grammatophyllum. Grammatophyllum conservation cultivation species variability speciation

Tiu, Danilo A.


3363 Decision analysis applied to the fishery of the sea snail Concholepas concholepas from the Central Northern Coast of Chile

Tam, J.; et al.


3003 Decision making in a changing climate : Adaptation challenges and choices. climate change; adaptation; agriculture; policy making; adaptive capacity; maladaptation; mitigation; resilience book

9061 Decision making on mega stables: Understanding and preventing citizens' distrust. trust intensive farming governance decision making

Breeman, Gerard

serials njas-wageningen journal of life sciences

116 Decision making through operations research operations research Probability Theory simulation linear programming inventory control models

Thierauf, R.J.


12372 Decision support system of agricultural crops and application of geographic information systems for site suitability classification : (study area - Jambi province, Indonesia). (study area - Jambi province, Indonesia). information technology : natural resources management GIS : Geographic Information Systems agricultural crops Indonesia DSS site suitability land classification agriculture weather model

Mie Mie Aung
