ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2770 | Decentralised governance in a hybrid polity: Localisation of decentralisation reform in Cambodia. | government policy decentralization deconcentration | Seiha, Heng; Sedara, Kim; Sokbunthoeun, So |
book | cdri working paper series no. 63 |
2769 | Decentralised governance of irrigation water in Cambodia: Matching principles to local realities. | irrigation governance service fee | Chou, Chea; Phirun, Nang; Whitehead, Isabelle; Hirsch, Phillip; Thompson, Anna |
book | cdri working paper series no. 62 |
1034 | Decentralization and resource taxation for coastal fishery management | coastal fisheries fishery resources resource management taxation policy reforms exploitation Philippines | Cruz, Wilfrido D. |
book | department of economics discussion paper series no.88-05 |
2056 | Decentralizing natural resources management: Emerging lessons from ICRAF collaboration in Southeast Asia. | forest management decentralization community-based forest management SANREM Landcare landcare conservation team Claveria Landcare Association conservation farming | Lai, Chun K.; Catacutan, Delia C.; Mercado, Agustin R. Jr. |
book |
2894 | Deciphering the scriptures on Philippine Grammatophyllum. | Grammatophyllum conservation cultivation species variability speciation | Tiu, Danilo A. |
book |
3363 | Decision analysis applied to the fishery of the sea snail Concholepas concholepas from the Central Northern Coast of Chile | Tam, J.; et al. |
serials |
3003 | Decision making in a changing climate : Adaptation challenges and choices. | climate change; adaptation; agriculture; policy making; adaptive capacity; maladaptation; mitigation; resilience | book |
9061 | Decision making on mega stables: Understanding and preventing citizens' distrust. | trust intensive farming governance decision making | Breeman, Gerard |
serials | njas-wageningen journal of life sciences |
116 | Decision making through operations research | operations research Probability Theory simulation linear programming inventory control models | Thierauf, R.J. |
book |
12372 | Decision support system of agricultural crops and application of geographic information systems for site suitability classification : (study area - Jambi province, Indonesia). | (study area - Jambi province, Indonesia). | information technology : natural resources management GIS : Geographic Information Systems agricultural crops Indonesia DSS site suitability land classification agriculture weather model | Mie Mie Aung |
theses |