ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14009 | Design process of nano-CaO production from oyster (Pinctada maxima) shell as green heterogeneous base catalysts | Pinctada maxima; oyster shell wastes; calcium carbonate; calcium oxide; heterogeneous catalyst; Taguchi Method; multi-response loss function | Kendri Wahyuningsih |
theses |
3189 | Design, fabrication and evaluation of a prototype coconut husk decorticating. | Decorticating machine fabrication machine capacity production cost | Palomar, R.N.; Peñamora, L.J.; Go, A.E.; Fajardo, D.G.; Ramos, E.V.; Gross, J.C.; Turco, E.P. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
3899 | Design, fabrication and evaluation of an electric motor-driven coconut husk fiber extractor (a research note). | Coconut husk fiber extractor machine capacity | Sudaria, Eutiguio E. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
2587 | Designing a choice modelling survey to value the health and environmental impacts of air pollution from the transport sector in the Jakarta ... | air pollution health impacts environmental impacts air pollution control policies cost benefit analysis | Amalia, Mia |
book | eepsea research report no. 2010-rr3 |
15078 | Designing a polyurethane-based husker roll for long-grain rice using a finite element model | accumulated friction loss; polyurethane elastomer; elasticity; agricultural engineering | Yoshihashi, Tadashi; Abe, Yuki; Iwasaki, Nariaki; Sakanaka, Hiroyuki; Fujinaka, Masatoshi; Kido, Ryuichi |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
2572 | Designing a procurement auction for reducing sedimentation: A field experiment in Indonesia. | environmental services procurement auction watershed sedimentation reduction | Leimona, Beria; Jack, Brooke Kelsey; Lusiana, Betha; Pasha, Rachman |
book | eepsea research report no. 2009-rr10 |
16007 | Designing and monitoring and evaluation system for climate change adaptation planning and implementation | monitoring and evaluation system; climate change | Sandoval, Roberto Pedro C. Jr.; Kanamaru, Hideki; Hancock, Jim |
serials | searca agriculture and development notes 2015 5-6 |
319 | Designing strategies and policies for managing structural change in Asia | policies development strategies environment | Ifzal Ali |
book | adb economic staff paper no. 47 |
10545 | Deskbook: Philippine medicinal plants in primary health care - Volume 1 : Phytotheraphy, phytopharmacology, phytochemistry, veterinary medicine. | medicinal plants indications dosage contraindications botanical description ethnomedicinal uses | Rummel, Dietmar J. |
purch |
4200 | Desmanthus: a potential fodder for livestock. | Desmanthus virgatus shrub uses plant propagation leaf meal | serials | agriculture |