List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
465 Delsilife: an educational strategy to fight poverty Innotech educational research human resource development community level non-formal learning adult education non-formal education training Thailand Philippines Indonesia

Boeren, Ad; Kater, Adri (eds.)

book ceso paperback no.9

12038 Demand analysis of hand tractor services for owners renter in two districts of East Java, Indonesia. rural development hand tractor Java Indonesia



2412 Democracy and citizenship in Filipino political culture - Philippine Democrary Agenda: Volume 1. democracy civil society citizenship nongovernmental organizations political culture Philippines

Diokno, Maria Serena I.


2053 Democratic decentralization of natural resources: Institutionalizing popular participation. community-based natural resource management decentralization natural resources environmental standards government roles poverty alleviation

Ribot, Jesse C.


10637 Democratizing global climate governance. climate change governance accountability

Stevenson, Hayley; Dryzek, John S.


12396 Demographic and socio-economic conditions of divorced women in Umbuharjo, Yogyakarta : (A study about independence and role of women in changing area from farm to non-farm). population demography women socio-economic condition Indonesia divorce strategic of life

Wiwik Puji Mulyani


1312 Demographic aspects of the social forestry learning site: Pagkalinawan, Jalajala, Rizal. demography

Cabanilla, Daylinda B.

book occasional papers in social forestry no.7

2655 Dengue hemorrhagic fever: A social crisis?. Dengue hemorrhagic fever disease symptoms blood count treatment prevention vaccine

Chitsanu Pancharoen; Suda Yenbamroong; Usa Thisyakorn (eds.)


12950 Dennis Miguel produces 200 cavans from a hectare of rainfed farm that used to yield only 50 cavans System for Rice Intensification SRI technique

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4566 Density and spatial distribution of Kichiji rockfish Sebastolobus macrochir estimated with a deep-sea video monitoring system on a towed sledge. fisheries stock assessment underwater video camera spatial distribution density fishes kichiji rockfish Japan

Toshihiro Watanabe; Kazutoshi Watanabe; Daiji Kitagawa

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)