List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5506 Design and operation of an above-ground biogas system. biogas methane digester manure

Rodriguez, Porfirio L.

serials agriculture magazine

1270 Design and operation of farm irrigation systems. irrigation food production farm resources salinity drainage land shaping pumps hydraulics fluid dynamics sprinkler systems

Jensen, M.E. (ed.)


5139 Design and performance evaluation of a solar heated dehumidifying dry kiln. solar kiln dryer performance test Anthocephalus chinensis Swietenia macrophylla Parashorea malaanonan moisture distribution test drying

Bello, E.D.

serials fprdi journal

6375 Design and Prototype Implementation of an Adaptive Mho Distance Relay by the KU Method. distance relay adaptive distance relay

Surachet Dechphung; Trin Saengsuwan

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6707 Design and testing of asic chip for microprocessors interfacing in a digital PABX system : asic chip microprocessors interfacing digital PABX

Koarakot Wattanavichean; Amporn Khangumnerd

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7483 Design and Testing of In-store Paddy Drying. in-store drying paddy drying

Somkiat Prachayawarakorn; Somchart Soponronnarit; Prasai Chalidapongs; Adisak Nathakaranakule

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6598 Design for bread baking temperature profiles using neural network modeling approach. modeling neural network process design baking bread

Nantawan Therdthai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6671 Design of a combined propeller and venturi tube system for aquaculture ponds. dissolved oxygen concentration standard oxygen-transfer rate standard aeration efficiency

Santi Laksitanonta; Gajedra Singh

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

12726 Design of risk management model on pepper agroindustrial investment. investment agroindustry pepper

Suci Wulandari


11975 Design Parameters of a Laboratory Rice Stripper Using Transverse Belt agricultural engineering rice stripper

Phan Hieu Hien
