List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
797 Descriptors for xanthosoma Xanthosoma fruit inflorescence cormels pests diseases book

829 Descriptors in eggplant collection stress susceptibility inflorescence fruit book

12258 Desiccation sensitivity of recalcitrant and orthodox seeds in relation to the stage of seed development and germination agronomy Desiccation sensitivity seed development germination

Baran Wirawan


10260 Design and analysis of experiments. experiments statistical methods analysis of variance factorial designs regression modeling surface methodology random effects models linear regression array designs

Montgomery, Douglas C.


3907 Design and development of a coconut dehusker. Coconut dehusker

Ganesan, V.; Gothandapani, L.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

11872 Design and development of a direct-fired rice husk furnace for flat-bed paddy dryer agricultural engineering rice husk furnace dryer furnace

Nguyen Thuan Nhi


12343 Design and development of a trailed type transplanter for oil palm seedling. bio production machinery engineering oil palm seedling

Darius El Pebrian


15514 Design and development of cacao huller using response surface methodology cacao huller; optimization; response surface methodology; purity, nib recovery index

Tuates Jr., Andres M.; Santiago, Ian Jhosua; Villota, Shiela Marie A.; Caparino, Ofero A.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization

14639 Design and development of pre-cleaner for corn corn mill; pre-cleaner; agricultural machinery; postharvest facilities

Gragasin, Michael A.; Suan, Christ Russell D.; Illustrisimo, Jayvee P.; Martinez, Romualdo C.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization

14637 Design and development of probe meter for moisture detection of paddy grains capacitance; moisture meter; oscillation; paddy; probe

Joaquin, Arlene C.; Avila, Richard P.; Ramos, Maria Elizabeth V.; Martinez, Romualdo C.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization